beginners vocabulary list

This is an attempt to get a vocabulary list in an order suitable for learning. Simply using the frequency lists is one way of getting started, but that is heavilay biased by having been drawn from early discussions of lojban itself, hence the words sumti, selbri and other lojbanic terms are overly represented.

Please, one gismu only, what one gismu would you suggest a person learn? Please add it to this table:

lojban gismu English keyword
troci try ColinWright
djuno know kolin.rait
dunda give xorxes
mutce much eppkott
cusku express betsemes
djica desire filip
sidju help bobgrif
drata other cuncuxnas
zasti exist uirik
gleki happy komfo,amonan

And add your recommended cmavo here:

lojban cmavo English gloss
le .. ku the described ColinWright
be .. bei .. be'o linked sumti kolin.rait
cu separates selbri from preceding terms xorxes
ma sumti question mark eppkott
mi me betsemes
xu true-false ? filip
mo bridi question mark bobgrif
mi'e self-introduction cuncuxnas
nu event abstract uirik
to'e polar opposite komfo,amonan

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