Lojban In General

Lojban In General


Use this thread to discuss the studystack page.

> there's a website
> called Studystack where people can make flashcards.

Wow! it never ceases to amaze me — the free resources there are on the net.

This (http://www.studystack.com/About.jsp) lets you create a "stack" which
is basically a two-column relation. Then it presents the data for learning
in any of a variety of ways, as flashcards, as a hangman game, as a
crossword puzzle (?!)...

You can create a stack by uploading a delimited text file — which should be
dead easy to create from the gismu and cmavo text files. Each stack can have
accompanying notes formatted using the Wiki markup syntax; each stack can be
public or private, and optionally editable by others.

And free... amazing.

posts: 14214

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 08:11:22AM -0700, David Cortesi wrote:
> > there's a website called Studystack where people can make
> > flashcards.
> Wow! it never ceases to amaze me — the free resources there are
> on the net.

This particular form of resources is somewhat old news, I'm afraid;
I set up http://rememberize.com/search/tag/lojban some months ago.

It has a halfway decent spaced repitition algorithm, too.


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