Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Second Life

posts: 162
Use this thread to discuss the Second Life page.
posts: 162

The current leader of the Loglan group posted on their list the
following claim:
> As for Lojban having a group, it appears to me that the Loglan
> conversation group is active and the Lojban group is not: we have
> attracted one of their members, who is planning to join our meeting
> next weekend.
> --Randall Holmes

I believe he was talking specifically about a Lojban group on "Second
Life", but he might have been making a more general statement.

I would like to respond (and to do so accurately). Can people summarize
the various opportunities for Lojban conversation on line, via text
and/or voice. And specifically what is the status of using Second Life
for Lojban conversation among the various options. How many are
involved, and how often?

This is the first time since we were founded that the Loglan people even

  • tried* to make the claim that they were more active than we are in any

forum or medium (although so far as I can tell, their Second Life
"group" is so far only 2 people once a week).


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posts: 85

There is the lojban IRC on freenode, as far as I can tell it's the main
online conversation in and around lojban. Our most recent stats have 371
lines in lojban over 32 nicks.
http://jbotcan.org/logs/lojban-thismonth.htmlWe occasionally talk
online using mumble, but this is ad-hoc. I believe the
phone group is still theoretically active, and I'm sure someone will post
about that. We have the picture boards at jbotcan.org. People are expanding
into youtube vids.

A lot of the active jbopre are linux users, and agree that the 2nd life
client for linux is bad. So is google's attempt. We'll probably stick to IRC
for now.

In the real world there is the yearly logfest, and the German lojbanists are
meeting within another meeting. British lojbanists are arranging meetings in
all you can eat restaurants.

mu'o mi'e cmacis

posts: 40

On 10/8/08, Robert LeChevalier <lojbab@lojban.org> wrote:

> > As for Lojban having a group, it appears to me that the Loglan
> > conversation group is active and the Lojban group is not: we have
> > attracted one of their members, who is planning to join our meeting
> > next weekend.
> I believe he was talking specifically about a Lojban group on "Second
> Life", but he might have been making a more general statement.
> I would like to respond (and to do so accurately). Can people
> summarize the various opportunities for Lojban conversation on line, > via text and/or voice. And specifically what is the status of using > Second Life for Lojban conversation among the various options. How
> many are involved, and how often?

It is me who was attracted to join their meeting in Second Life, so I
probably should to tell more about Second Life conlangs presence:

1) "Loglan Conversation Group" includes six people now (counting
myself). As far as I know, two or three of them do really meet once a
week for a hour (typically Sat or Sun). For some silly circumstances I
have failed to attend last two meetings, so I'll try to join them at
the next weekend. ("Last two" because I have learned about this group
two weeks ago only).

2) "Lojban Institute of SL" group includes about 30 people now
("about" because SL interface doesn't show totals; I have counted them
one by one, and small error is possible). But it seems like most of
them have visited Second Life a year ago or more. This is typical:
someone joins the world, plays month or two, and leaves forever, not
deleting his/her account. In particular, the founder of the group has
his/her last visit in January 2007. I do not know who s/he is in real
life, because this is not obvious from SL nicknames. And, if someone
with nickname "xorxes" *is* xorxes (xorxes, are you?), then his last
visit was in 2006.

3) During my four months in SL (I have joined the world in the end of
March this year) I have noted no activity in Lojban group. More than,
when I myself asked in the group chat if anyone is interested in some
collective project, the only person answered was loglanist (who is a
member of the Lojban group too). Two or three other people seemed to
be online, but was probably not interested. See also:

4) For comparison, Esperanto people are really active in SL, and there
are many of them. If you want to meet someone who speak Esperanto, you
do not need to arrange a date and time: if you just come to popular
among Esperantists meeting place and wait for a while, you probably
meet someone else who came there with the same idea in mind.

BTW, about Esperanto: we are building an Esperanto Library in SL now.
Do we have any Esperanto papers about Lojban, except long ago outdated

Sorry for my terrible English today, I am a bit ill now, and therefore
speak in a tangled way even in my native Russian.

http://slobin.pp.ru/ `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<cyril@slobin.pp.ru> `it means just what I choose it to mean'

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with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Cyril Slobin <cyril@slobin.pp.ru> wrote:
> And, if someone
> with nickname "xorxes" *is* xorxes (xorxes, are you?), then his last
> visit was in 2006.

It was probably me. I tried it for a short while when someone
advertised here, but I never actually met anyone there and finally
gave up. I don't kow if I will remember what password I used, so if I
ever go back it may be under a new avatar.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

On 10/7/08, Robert LeChevalier <lojbab@lojban.org> wrote:
> I would like to respond (and to do so accurately). Can people summarize the
> various opportunities for Lojban conversation on line, via text and/or
> voice. And specifically what is the status of using Second Life for Lojban
> conversation among the various options. How many are involved, and how
> often?

The active forums now that I know of are IRC, these mailing lists,
Wikipedia and Jbotcan. Everything else is ignored at the moment, as far as
I know. Jbopre seem to have a collective feeling that it's better to
concentrate the community in as few places as possible, leading to a
conservative attitude to any new forum. New IRC channels often arouse
criticism for spreading the IRC conversation too thin, and even Jbotcan
faced a lot of skepticism at first. So the negative side of that is that
you won't find Lojban active in a huge variety of different places around
the net, but the positive side is that you can visit IRC and encounter a
Lojbanist at any time of the day or night because that's where everyone

One idea I had for how to spread Lojban conversation to more places at once
is to start forums focused on particular topics. Lojban seems to me like
it's at the point where we can use it to communicate actual information
about various subjects, instead of just gathering around the language and
poking at it. I bet it would be more effective inviting Lojbanists to a
chat on Second Life (for example) if it was a meeting for some particular
purpose. People are already fulfilling their generic desire to speak with
other people in Lojban, so they're probably not going to bother with
exploring somewhere they're less familiar with, just to have conversations
in Lojban with other Lojbanists they already know!

mu'o mi'e se ckiku

posts: 4740

I was a founding member of the Lojban Second Life community.
Currently, I no longer have a computer good enough to run Second Life,
which is why I don't go there anymore. Plus I learned Blender and
found out it's not that much more complex than Second Life's building


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Brett Williams <mungojelly@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/7/08, Robert LeChevalier <lojbab@lojban.org> wrote:
>> I would like to respond (and to do so accurately). Can people summarize
>> the various opportunities for Lojban conversation on line, via text and/or
>> voice. And specifically what is the status of using Second Life for Lojban
>> conversation among the various options. How many are involved, and how
>> often?
> The active forums now that I know of are IRC, these mailing lists,
> Wikipedia and Jbotcan. Everything else is ignored at the moment, as far as
> I know. Jbopre seem to have a collective feeling that it's better to
> concentrate the community in as few places as possible, leading to a
> conservative attitude to any new forum. New IRC channels often arouse
> criticism for spreading the IRC conversation too thin, and even Jbotcan
> faced a lot of skepticism at first. So the negative side of that is that
> you won't find Lojban active in a huge variety of different places around
> the net, but the positive side is that you can visit IRC and encounter a
> Lojbanist at any time of the day or night because that's where everyone
> goes.
> One idea I had for how to spread Lojban conversation to more places at once
> is to start forums focused on particular topics. Lojban seems to me like
> it's at the point where we can use it to communicate actual information
> about various subjects, instead of just gathering around the language and
> poking at it. I bet it would be more effective inviting Lojbanists to a
> chat on Second Life (for example) if it was a meeting for some particular
> purpose. People are already fulfilling their generic desire to speak with
> other people in Lojban, so they're probably not going to bother with
> exploring somewhere they're less familiar with, just to have conversations
> in Lojban with other Lojbanists they already know!
> mu'o mi'e se ckiku

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 40

On 10/9/08, Matt Arnold <matt.mattarn@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was a founding member of the Lojban Second Life community.
> Currently, I no longer have a computer good enough to run Second Life,
> which is why I don't go there anymore. Plus I learned Blender and
> found out it's not that much more complex than Second Life's building
> features.

Maybe you can log in once, and share the group owner rights with
somebody else (with me unless someone else seems to be better choice)?
The current structure of the group rights makes it inconvenient for
any collaboration: the ordinary member of a the group can't even post
a group notice, and nobody but a group owner can change this.

http://slobin.pp.ru/ `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<cyril@slobin.pp.ru> `it means just what I choose it to mean'

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 4740

If I can get access to someone whose computer can run Second Life,
I'll do that. Until then, I'm sorry for this situation. I hate to
abandon it. -Eppcott

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Cyril Slobin <cyril@slobin.pp.ru> wrote:
> On 10/9/08, Matt Arnold <matt.mattarn@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was a founding member of the Lojban Second Life community.
>> Currently, I no longer have a computer good enough to run Second Life,
>> which is why I don't go there anymore. Plus I learned Blender and
>> found out it's not that much more complex than Second Life's building
>> features.
> Maybe you can log in once, and share the group owner rights with
> somebody else (with me unless someone else seems to be better choice)?
> The current structure of the group rights makes it inconvenient for
> any collaboration: the ordinary member of a the group can't even post
> a group notice, and nobody but a group owner can change this.
> --
> http://slobin.pp.ru/ `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
> <cyril@slobin.pp.ru> `it means just what I choose it to mean'
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
> with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
> you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 22

Huh, this Second Life seems to be quite interesting thing. The interface is
not too attractive though...

I doubt that I would visit SL often, but I've created an account for test,
Dmishin Uladstron.

How can I find someone of you there?

posts: 40

On 10/8/08, Cyril Slobin <cyril@slobin.pp.ru> wrote:

> 1) "Loglan Conversation Group" includes six people now (counting
> myself). As far as I know, two or three of them do really meet once a
> week for a hour (typically Sat or Sun). For some silly circumstances I
> have failed to attend last two meetings, so I'll try to join them at
> the next weekend. ("Last two" because I have learned about this group
> two weeks ago only).

I have just returned form Loglan meeting in SL. Five people were
there, including myself. As far as I know, this is the highest number
so far. Real chat in Loglan (mostly simple sentences) for a hour. I
have never learned TLI Loglan, but I can understand maybe one sentence
of three or four: Loglan prims are much easier to guess than Lojban
gismu (but only if you speak English, of course), and mapping from
Loglan short words to Lojban cmavo is easy to catch from the similar
sentence structure. I consider the following note from one of the
participants to be valuable enough to quote:

((I like practicing Loglan in the SL env because one can talkg about
things in th environment))
in a chat channel your shared reality is just words

To Dmirty: if you want to contact me in SL, try to send an IM to Cyril
Svoboda. Alas I have no permanent hours of being inworld.

http://slobin.pp.ru/ `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<cyril@slobin.pp.ru> `it means just what I choose it to mean'

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 40

On 10/11/08, Cyril Slobin <cyril@slobin.pp.ru> wrote:

> I have just returned form Loglan meeting in SL.

P.S. Snapshot of the meeting:


http://slobin.pp.ru/ `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<cyril@slobin.pp.ru> `it means just what I choose it to mean'

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 7

FWIW, I have a Second Life account (Graph Weymann) and am a member of
the Lojban group. However, I don't have the free time right now to
hang around SL, so I mostly show up for events I've heard of, and I'm
not highly interested in Lojban at the moment.

However, if someone were running a Lojban-in-SL event and let me know
I would try to show up.

.i mi cmene zoi.u. Graph Weymann .u. la'o.r. Second Life .r. goi ko'a
gi'a cmima le lojbo se cmima pe ko'a .i ku'i mi ca zu zifre co se
temci mo'ada .i ja'e mi me ko'a zvati lo nunjmaji poi notci ke'a ku'o
po'o .i mi ji'a no'e mutce cinri la lojban.

.i ku'i ba'a da poi lojbo nunjmaji ne'i ko'a zi'e poi mi djuno fi ko'a
zo'u mi ba troci co zvati da

(only Lojban I've written in a long time...)

Kevin Reid <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.