Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Available now: free, permanent, conlang hosting

We're about ready to make announcement about LCC3 and LCS membership -
hopefully within a few days. One thing that LCS membership includes is
hosting services. I'll leave that for the next announcement.

However, I wanted to announce separately:

The LCS is now offering free, permanent web hosting and naming
services to any community projects.

What you get:

  • 2 something@conlang.org emails (fully hosted or just redirected)
  • secure Jabber IM support for both emails (same protocol as e.g.

gmail chat uses, fully interoperable, and usable in any good IM
client, like Adium or Trillian)

  • 2 yourproject.conlang.org subdomains, each with:

- 1GB hard drive space
- 20 GB/mo bandwidth
- 1 SSH/SFTP user
- unlimited something@yourproject.conlang.org emails, hosted by gmail
or dreamhost (your pick)
- 1 subversion repository w/ unlimited accounts, public or private
- 1 mysql database
- 1 announce or discussion mailing list
- free install of WordPress, Gallery, ZenCart, PhpGedView, OpenX,
Pligg, dotProject, Moodle, Joomla, phpbb, MediaWiki, WebCalendar, or
Advanced Poll

  • all of this permanent (or as close to it as we can manage)

You can also get the subdomains & emails separate from hosting, and
point them at your existing servers (like cals.conlang.org does). It's
up to you.

We can provide up to 100x these default quota limits on a special
case-by-case basis. Please ask if you believe you need more than the


  • hosting is provided only for LCS members, or projects that benefit

the community at large

  • all content we host must be for a something.conlang.org subdomain

and must have a significant conlang-related portion
- we don't mind if you have other personal stuff there too, but you
can't e.g. have a subdomain that has nothing to do with conlanging

  • we do not monitor or regulate content in any way, otherwise; any

disputes about it are between you, the complainer, and DreamHost

  • you don't get root / sudo access or the ability to run daemons; you

will be on a shared host. However, you can still compile & run nearly
anything you want in userspace.

  • you must abide by DreamHost's ToS: <http://dreamhost.com/tos.html>
  • other than free installs per above, we do not provide any help with

website management or the like. However, you do have access to
DreamHost customer support for things they cover.

  • if provided as a member service, and you cease being a member in

good standing, your content will still stay up permanently (unless you
ask us to take it down), but we will revoke your access rights

If you want to take advantage of this for community project use,
please email or IM us at lcs@conlang.org.

If you want to do so for personal use, please see the instructions in
the upcoming LCC3 / LCS membership announcement. Hosting services for
members are as described here - just require LCS membership.

Sai Emrys
President, Language Creation Society

P.S. This info is also available at <http://conlang.org/hosting.php>.

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.