BPFK Section: Relational sumtcita

Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: do'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Unspecified sumtcita. Tags a sumti as fitting the an unspecified extra place of the current bridi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with unspecified meaning and then fills it with the tagged sumti. Used for the most general senses of English prepositions like "with" and "of".

Proposed Tag

elliptical/unspecified modal

See also

  • {co'e}
  • {su'u}
  • {zo'e}
  • {tu'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • unspecified sumtcita
  • unspecified modal
  • with, of

Usage Examples

.oi mi mutce bilga lo nu bajra do'e lo trene
Ack! I really need to run in a way that has something to do with a train. / Ack! I really need to run for the train.

cmavo: ki'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

As a relation of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of ckini. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of ckini and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is related to or associated with the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ckini}
  • {se ki'i}
  • {te ki'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • related to
  • associated with

Usage Examples


mi klama le zarci ki'i le nu do pu zi klama
I go to the store, and this is related to your recent event of going.

cmavo: se ki'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Related to Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of ckini. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of ckini and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is related to or associated with the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ckini}
  • {ki'i}
  • {te ki'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • related to
  • associated with

Usage Examples

See {ki'i}.

cmavo: te ki'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With relationship. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of ckini. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of ckini and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is related to or associated with something unspecified by a relationship indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ckini}
  • {ki'i}
  • {se ki'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • with relationship
  • by relationship

Usage Examples

na viska le munje be te ki'i lo ka purci ku ba la'e de'u
Unseen is the world of the past after this.

cmavo: du'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

As much as. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of dunli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of dunli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is equal to or as much as the referent of the tagged sumti in some property or quantity unpsecified.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {dunli}
  • {se du'i}
  • {te du'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • as much as
  • equalled by
  • equal to

Usage Examples


mi muvgau lo ve tivni be du'i lo rupnu be li pa re ki'o le sorcu
I moved $12 000 of televisions into storage.

cmavo: se du'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Equal to. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of dunli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of dunli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is equal to or as much as the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {dunli}
  • {du'i}
  • {se du'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • as much as
  • equalled by
  • equal to

Usage Examples

See du'i.

cmavo: te du'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Equal in property. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of dunli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of dunli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a property or quality, relevant to some unspecified equality relation, indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {dunli}
  • {du'i}
  • {te du'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • equal in property

Usage Examples

loi re loi mu karda be te du'i lo ka skari be'o poi ke'a simxu lo nu frica fi lo ka skari
Two groups, of five cards which are equal in color, of different colors.

cmavo: kai (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Characterizing. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of ckaji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of ckaji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi characterizes or is associated with the characterizing of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {ckaji}
  • {se kai}

Proposed Keywords

  • characterizing

Usage Examples


mi nelci lo xunre karce kai ti
I like red cars, like that one.

cmavo: se kai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With property. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of ckaji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of ckaji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is characterized by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {ckaji}
  • {kai}

Proposed Keywords

  • with property

Usage Examples

le karce cu xamgu se kai le ka skari
The car is good in the property of its colour.

cmavo: mu'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Exemplified by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of mupli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of mupli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is exemplified by or associated with an example indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {mupli}
  • {se mu'u}
  • {te mu'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • exemplified by

Usage Examples


mi nelci lo titla cidja be mu'u lo titnanba
I enjoy sweet foods, such as cake.

cmavo: se mu'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Example of property. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of mupli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of mupli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an example of the property indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {mupli}
  • {mu'u}
  • {te mu'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • example of property

Usage Examples


ko zgana le karce be se mu'u lo ka skari da poi mi nelci
Look at that car, which exemplifies being of a colour that I like.

cmavo: te mu'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Example out of set. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of mupli. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of mupli and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an example out of the set indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

, mupli, mu'u, se mu'u.

    • Keywords

Usage Examples


da'i mi catra do te mu'u lo'i zekri
Suppose I kill you as an example of a crime.

cmavo: pa'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Having component. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of pagbu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of pagbu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a part or component (of something unspecified) indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {pagbu}
  • {se pa'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • having component

Usage Examples


mi finti le minji be pa'u lo danlu selci
I've invented this machine which includes animal cells.

cmavo: se pa'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

As a part of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of pagbu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of pagbu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something that is a part of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {pagbu}
  • {pa'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • as a part of

Usage Examples


mi zbasu lo gurni pesxu be se pa'u lo titnanba
I make dough as a part of cake.

cmavo: pa'a (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In addition to. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of panra. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of panra and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is parallel to or in addition to the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {panra}
  • {se pa'a}
  • {te pa'a}
  • {ve pa'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • in addition to
  • parallel to
  • parallelled by

Usage Examples

pei da'i mi basygau fi le mi mulno xekri taxfu fe lo mulno blabi taxfu pa'a tu'a la xavier
What do you think of me replacing my all-black clothes with all-white clothes, like Xavier?

cmavo: se pa'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

similar to Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of panra. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of panra and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is parallel to or in addition to the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {panra}
  • {pa'a}
  • {te pa'a}
  • {ve pa'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • in addition to
  • parallel to
  • parallelled by

Usage Examples

See {pa'a}.

cmavo: te pa'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Contrasting property. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of panra. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of panra and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is almost the same as something unspecified, with the only differences indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {panra}
  • {pa'a}
  • {se pa'a}
  • {ve pa'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • contrasting property
  • differentiator
  • the difference being

Usage Examples


mi zbasu lo cinla titnanba .e nai lo titnanba vu'o ne te pa'a lo ni barda .e lo ni ranti
I make cookies and not cake, the difference between them being size and softness.

cmavo: ve pa'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Similar by standard. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4nd place of panra. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4nd place of panra and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is parallel or almost identical to something unspecified by the standard indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {panra}
  • {pa'a}
  • {se pa'a}
  • {te pa'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • simisar by standard
  • parallel by standard

Usage Examples


cadzu fa mi .e do vu'o pe ve pa'a lo ka sutra
You and I walk similarily with respect to speed.

cmavo: le'a (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In category. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of klesi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of klesi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a class or category indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {klesi}
  • {se le'a}
  • {te le'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • in category

Usage Examples

za'a zo bancu cu brivla le'a le remoi
I observe that "bancu" is a brivla of the second type.

cmavo: se le'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

As a category of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of klesi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of klesi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a superset indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {klesi}
  • {le'a}
  • {te le'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • as a category of
  • in superset

Usage Examples


mi nelci lo xunre be se le'a lo karce
I like red ones among those things which are cars.

lo damba be se le'a lo spano gugde cu jinga
The Spanish fighters won.

cmavo: te le'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Defined by quality. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of klesi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of klesi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a categorization defined by a quality indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {klesi}
  • {le'a}
  • {se le'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • defined by quality

Usage Examples


lo ti remna be te le'a lo damba cu mencre

These people who are in the category of fighters are smart.

These people are very smart fighters.

cmavo: cau (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Lacked by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of claxu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of claxu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a lack of some kind on the part of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {claxu}
  • {se cau}

Proposed Keywords

  • lacked by

Usage Examples


lo zekri lebna cu ponse lo jdini be cau mi
The thief possesses money lacked by me.

cmavo: se cau (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Without. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of claxu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of claxu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is lacking the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {claxu}
  • {cau}

Proposed Keywords

  • without

Usage Examples

se cau lo nu farlu kei lo cpare cu na certu zmadu binxo
Without falling, climbers do not become more skilled.

cmavo: ma'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Material object. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of marji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of marji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a material object which is the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {marji}
  • {se ma'e}
  • {te ma'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • with material object

Usage Examples


mi pilno lo rokci lo nu finti lo larcu dacti kei ma'e ta
I use rock to create objects of art, including that one over there.

cmavo: se ma'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Made of material. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of marji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of marji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some object that is made of material indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {marji}
  • {ma'e}
  • {te ma'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • made of material

Usage Examples


mi dasni lo mapku be se ma'e lo rectu
I wear a hat made of meat.

cmavo: te ma'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

In material form. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of marji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of marji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some material object that has a form indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {marji}
  • {ma'e}
  • {se ma'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • in material form

Usage Examples


mi dasni lo rectu be te ma'e lo mapku
I wear meat in the shape of a hat.

cmavo: ra'a (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Pertained to by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of srana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of srana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is pertained to by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {srana}
  • {se ra'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • pertained to by

Usage Examples

mi na birti tu'a ma kau poi cukta vau pe ra'a le do jufra
I am not certain what book your sentence is about.


le nuntalyli'u be la .odiseus. cu lisri lo nu klama lo se xabju kei la .xomer. ra'a le cukta be ro da bei la .xomer.
The adventure of Odysseus is a story about going home by Homer and is pertained to by The Collected Works Of Homer.

cmavo: se ra'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Concerning. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of srana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of srana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi pertains to the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {srana}
  • {ra'a}

Proposed Keywords

  • concerning
  • pertaining to

Usage Examples

do tcidu ma pe se ra'a la arxentinas
You read what about Argentina?

cmavo: li'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Preceded by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of lidne. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of lidne and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something that is non-temporally preceded by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {lidne}
  • {se li'e}
  • {te li'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • preceded by
  • following

Usage Examples


mi ne li'e la .djan. klama le zarci
I go to the store preceeded by/following John.

cmavo: se li'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Preceding. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of lidne. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of lidne and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something that is non-temporally preceding the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {lidne}
  • {se li'e}
  • {te li'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • preceding
  • being followed by
  • leading

Usage Examples


mi ne se li'e la .djan. klama le zarci
I go to the store preceeding/being followed by John.

cmavo: te li'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Ordered in sequence. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of lidne. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of lidne and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is ordered (non-temporally) in a sequenced defined or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {lidne}
  • {se li'e}
  • {te li'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • ordered in sequence

Usage Examples


mi'o ne te li'e lo cmalu bi'o lo barda cu bajra
We ran in order from smallest to largest.

cmavo: ba'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Replaced by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of basti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of basti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi associated with the replacement of something by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {basti}
  • {se ba'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • replaced by

Usage Examples

.u'u mi pu xlali tcidu zo gunta be ba'i zo gunka
Oops, I read "gunta" as though it were "gunka".

cmavo: se ba'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Instead of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of basti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of basti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the replacement of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {basti}
  • {ba'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • instead of
  • replacing

Usage Examples

ka'e rinka lo nu do krici lo du'u lo xanri loldi cu zasti se ba'i lo to'e xanri condi kevna
[It is] capable of causing you to believe there is an imaginary floor instead of a non-imaginary deep hole.

cmavo: ka'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Represented by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of krati. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of krati and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some act of representation or proxying commited by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {krati}
  • {se ka'i}
  • {te ka'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • represented by

Usage Examples


mi ne ka'i le mi mamta cu ritli cuxna pa jatna mu'i lo nu mi bilma
I vote on one captain as represented by my mother, because I'm sick.

le merko gugde be ka'i le merko gugde jatna cu xusra lo du'u jamna
The United States, as represented by the president, declares war.

cmavo: se ka'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

On behalf of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of krati. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of krati and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is engaged in on behalf of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {krati}
  • {ka'i}
  • {te ka'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • on behalf of

Usage Examples


mi ne se ka'i le te selplijibri be mi cu cpacu le jemna do
I get the jewel from you on behalf of my boss.

cmavo: te ka'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Representing in. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of krati. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of krati and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some act of representation in the matter or situation indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {krati}
  • {ka'i}
  • {se ka'i}

Proposed Keywords

  • representing in

Usage Examples


le gento cu bajra te ka'i la .olimpik.
The Argentinian runs in the Olympics.

la .xructciof. darxi lo jubme le cutci te ka'i lo tolvajni po'o
Khruschev hit the table with the shoe only when representing at unimportant events.

cmavo: fa'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Reverse of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of fatne. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of fatne and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is the reverse of or associated with the reversal of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {fatne}
  • {se fa'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • reverse of

Usage Examples


mi klama le zdani le jibri fa'e lo nu mi klama le jibri le zdani
I go to the house frome the job in reverse of my goings from the job to the house.

cmavo: se fa'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

See {fa'e}.

cmavo: me'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

With name. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of cmene. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of cmene and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a name indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {cmene}
  • {se me'e}
  • {te me'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • with name
  • named
  • called

Usage Examples

mi pu viska le se tivni be me'e zo byfis
I've been watching the TV show "Buffy".

cmavo: se me'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

As a name for. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of cmene. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of cmene and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a name for or naming of the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {cmene}
  • {me'e}
  • {te me'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • as a name for

Usage Examples


mi viska le prina be se me'e le zarci
I see a sign with the name of the store.

cmavo: te me'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

As a name used by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of cmene. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of cmene and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some name used or created by the referent of the tagged sumti. See also:cmene

  • {me'e}
  • {se me'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • as a name used by
  • as named by

Usage Examples


coi tordu pe te me'e mi do gasnu ma
Hey shorty, as I call you, what are you up to?

cmavo: rai (BAI)

Proposed Definition

With superlative. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of traji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of traji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a superlative thing indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {traji}
  • {se rai}
  • {te rai}
  • {ve rai}

Proposed Keywords

  • with superlative thing

Usage Examples


mi pajni le nu jivna rai la .kim.
"I adjudicated the competition at which Kim was superlative (in some fashion unspecified)."
"I adjudicated the competition that was won by Kim (or in which Kim participated the most, or was in some other way superlative; context dependent)."

cmavo: se rai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Superlative in. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of traji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of traji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is or is associated with something that is superlative in a property indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {traji}
  • {se rai}
  • {te rai}
  • {ve rai}

Proposed Keywords

  • superlative in

Usage Examples

sy sidju klama dy se rai lo ka sutra pe lo nu le xasli cu bajra
S helpfully went to D as fast as the donkey could run.

cmavo: te rai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

At extreme. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of traji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of traji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a superlativy thing that is superlative to the extreme indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

See Also

  • {traji}
  • {se rai}
  • {te rai}
  • {ve rai}

Proposed Keywords

  • at extreme

Usage Examples


le karce cu xunre te rai lo blanu
The car is as blue as it could be and still be red.

cmavo: ve rai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Superlative among. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of traji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of traji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a superlative thing that is superlative among the referent of the tagged sumti, which should be a set or mass.

See Also

  • {traji}
  • {se rai}
  • {te rai}
  • {ve rai}

Proposed Keywords

  • superlative among

Usage Examples


skami fa ti pe ve rai lo'i ro skami poi se ponse mi
This computer is the most (with respect to something unspecified) amongst those I own.


  • I've tried to mark all my made-up examples this time. Let me know if you think I missed one.

  • I have edited some in-the-wild examples for correctness.

  • "xructciof" may or may not be morphologically correct. Come back when the Morphology section is done.


Beyond clarifying how brain-numbingly useless some of the BAI are, none taht I'm aware of.


Created by rlpowell. Last Modification: Sunday 24 of August, 2014 18:01:54 GMT by Ilmen.