currently proposed experimental cmavo

See also Obsolete experimental cmavo.

For conciseness, some series of cmavo have been condensed into one entry. In these, V represents the last vowel of the cmavo, and N represents the number in the series (a=1 ... u=5).

(Incidentally, I'd like to ask whoever's proposing these to perhaps let this space be used for new constructs, not just single-word abbreviations for 2-4 other words.) — rab.spir

  • feel free to add links to new pages that subdivide the experimentals into 'new constructs' vs 'abbreviatory'. But this list is a catalogue of all experimental cmavo not declared obsolete by their proposer. --And
a'a'aUIPlease repeat; I couldn't parse
ba'oiROIpossible futures ROI: "p (= bridi) in PA possible future worlds (sharing same past as q) in which q (= sumti tagged by ba'oi)": (cf. mu'ei): (proposed by AndR)
bei'eMAIPlaced as an evidential. The number added to the front is the decibels of logarithmic Bayesian probability the speaker assigns to the word or phrase that the {bei'e} refers to.
bi'aiCAhAmust be: modal aspect: necesary attribute
boi'a...boi'uKEIinterpreted as if cei brodV were assigned to terminated bridi
bua'a'aUIBefore I kill you I will explain my master plan
bu'aiNUAbstractor to create logically quantified selbri variable to be used in predicate logic of third or higher order. Used with xe'u. (proposed by guskant.)
ca'aiCAhA"in This World is": (equivalent to but preferable to nau'a). This may be the same as a simple ca'a --And
ci'oiCOIPsychomimes. Narrower term than tai'i. (cp ci'o, cinmo.) (proposed by tijlan.)
da'aiLAyields sumti functioning as da-series KOhA. (proposed by AndR)
da'auNAbridi tautology: bridi tautology marker; transforms an entire bridi into a tautology
dau'auNUinterpreted as if du'au ce'u
du'auNUx1 is a (true?) completion to incomplete proposition expressed by bridi within the abstraction
fai'a...fai'uFAtags sumti that is ur-xN (before SE conversion). And
fau'a...fau'uZOhUinterpreted as if ce'u goi fo'V zo'u if following ka or du'au and as if ke'a goi fo'V zo'u if following poi, noi, voi or poi'i.
fau'uCOI"Forgive me!" as vocative. I did not know fau'u was listed in experimental anaphorics above when I added fau'u as COI to jbovlaste. However, I did not find the actual anaphoric use of fau'u, so keep it suggested as COI. fau'u ro do. (proposed by guskant.)
fei'a...fei'uKUinterpreted as if ku goi fo'V
foi'a...foi'uKOhAadnex-bound pro-sumti
goi'aGOIdisambiguates goi's meaning.
ja'aiNAIaffirm last word: attached to cmavo to affirm them; denies negation by nai whenever it is applicable.: [Proposed by Mark Shoulson. (mi'e And)]
jai'aNAunequivocally true
ja'uBAIas shown by: jarco modal, 1st place, as shown by...
ka'eiCAhA"in some world is": (equivalent to su'o mu'ei) --And
kai'aNUinterpreted as if ka ce'u
kau'a...kau'uZOhUinterpreted as if ce'u goi ko'V zo'u if following ka or du'au and as if ke'a goi ko'V zo'u if following poi, noi, voi or poi'i.
kei'a...kei'uKUinterpreted as if ku goi ko'V
ki'aiCOIejaculative ("damn! shit! bah! yowie!"): (cp krixa, ki'a-): (proposed by AndR)
ko'aiLAyields sumti functioning as ko'a-series KOhA: (proposed by AndR)
koi'a...koi'uKOhAadnex-bound pro-sumti
ko'oiUIDiscursive: imperative. Broader term than au, a'o, e'o, e'u, e'a, ei. "ko" is a short form of "do ko'oi". (proposed by guskant)
la'eiLAlo : loi: lo'e
le : lei : le'e
la : lai : la'ei
lau'aLE(ro) lau'a broda = ro lu'a lo klesi be lo'i broda
lau'eLElau'e broda = lo'e ro lu'a lo klesi be lo'i broda
lau'iLElau'i broda = lo klesi be lo'i broda
lau'oLE(pi ro) lau'o broda = (pi ro) lu'o (ro lu'a) lo klesi be lo'i broda
le'aiLEhAIReplace recently uttered text
le'eiLEIntensional e-gadri [candidate meaning for le'e]
lei'eLESingularizing e-gadri [candidate meaning for le'e]
lo'aiLOhAIBegin quote of recently uttered text to be replaced
lo'eiLEIntensional o-gadri [candidate meaning for lo'e]
loi'eLESingularizing o-gadri [candidate meaning for lo'e]
mu'eiROIpossible worlds ROI: "p (= bridi) in PA possible worlds in which q (= sumti tagged by mu'ei)": (cp. {munje, mu'e-}): (proposed by AndR)
nai'aNAunequivocally false
nau'aCAhA"in This World is": (but ca'ai is equivalent and better) --And
nei'iGOhAcurrent phrase: — like nei, but not restricted to bridi --And
no'auGOhAnext outer phrase: — like no'a, but not restricted to bridi --And
noi'aNOIinterpreted as if noi ke'a
nu'oiCAhA"in some world but not This World is": (equivalent to but preferable to na'e nau'a or nau'a nai) --And
oi'aIinterpreted as if i la'e di'u
pa'eiLE= da poi ke'a du le(i)'e broda a lo(i)'e broda a le du ku voi ke'a du lo(i)'e broda
poi'aNOIinterpreted as if poi ke'a
poi'aiNUinterpreted as if poi'i ke'a
poi'iNUx1 is such that poi'i abstraction is true; x1 binds ke'a within the abstraction. [proposed by AndR] Arguably can be abandoned in favour of se ka. See discussion. --And
ru'aiKOhAalternative form for xai that doesn't use up a monosyllabic cmavo. (proposed by AndR.)
sa'aiSAhAIBegin quote of replacement for recently uttered text
sa'eiCOIexpressive/ideophone ("kapow! kerrang!"): (cp sance): (proposed by AndR.)
sei'aSEIsei'a X sets in force, over text within its scope, nonstandard interpretive conventions specified by X. And
sei'uUIevidential UI, "seemingly, apparently" (< simlu) (< And)
si'eiSIrepetition: the following word is the same as the preceding word (proposed by tsali)
tai'iCOIPhenomimes. Broader term than ci'oi and sa'ei. (cp tai, tamsmi.) (proposed by tijlan.)
vau'a...vau'uVAUinterpreted as if cei brodV were assigned to terminated bridi
voi'aNOIinterpreted as if voi ke'a
xa'oZAhOopposite of za'o: event contour: refers to the portion of the event which occurs before the natural beginning; starting too early before ...; <----
xaiKOhAthey. Repeats two or more preceding sumti, as ra repeats one. (proposed by Pierre Abbat)
xeiPAhex digit E: (because rei is too close to re, while all other numbers are very audibly distinct)
xe'eGOImodal phrase: modal relative phrase marker; attaches sumti modally
xe'i???ago: tense; tags the time interval from or to the reference point
xe'uGOhAAbstraction variable indicator brivla. Used with bu'ai. (proposed by guskant.)
xi'e???non-veridical tense/modal connective:
xi'iXIhIElidable terminator for xi: removes the ambiguity in multiple subscripts.
xi'i2???narrative connective
xi'i3XIextent of truth
xo'aXOhALoglan toggle: Toggles text to TLI Loglan; marks following text as TLI Loglan; Lojban equivalent of experimental Loglan "hoa" (which toggles text to Lojban)
xoi'aPUmonotonic increase tense; "increasing linearly over time"
xoi'ePUexponential increase tense
zei'aPA(< zenba) following string of digits counts upwards from the units. E.g. zei'a pa re ci vo = 4,321. (< And)
zo'auKOhAbegin postnex

Other proposals and questions about cmavo that we might need

Addendum by John:

And's current view of some of these cmavo:

Some of my proposals, such as {sa'ei} are merely useful (in the Swiss army knife sense) rather than indispensable. Those that are very useful and lack any clear intrabaseline alternative are mu'ei, ba'oi, ca'ai, ka'ei, nu'oi.

Created by AndRosta. Last Modification: Thursday 12 of December, 2013 20:51:15 GMT by guskant.