History: BPFK Section: Anaphoric Pro-sumti

Preview of version: 24 (current)

Proposed Definitions of KOhA4, KOhA5, KOhA6

cmavo: ko'a (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-1

cmavo: ko'e (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-2

cmavo: ko'i (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-3

cmavo: ko'o (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-4

cmavo: ko'u (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-5

cmavo: fo'a (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-6

cmavo: fo'e (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-7

cmavo: fo'i (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-8

cmavo: fo'o (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-9

cmavo: fo'u (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

Assignable pro-sumti. The referent is assigned using goi.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-10

cmavo: vo'a (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Refers to the x1 of the outermost bridi of the sentence.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-x1

Usage Examples

.i la risna noltruni'u cu zutse le vo'a nolstizu
The Queen of Hearts sat on her throne.

cmavo: vo'e (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Refers to the x2 of the outermost bridi of the sentence.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-x2

cmavo: vo'i (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Refers to the x3 of the outermost bridi of the sentence.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-x3

cmavo: vo'o (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Refers to the x4 of the outermost bridi of the sentence.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-x4

cmavo: vo'u (KOhA4)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Refers to the x5 of the outermost bridi of the sentence.

Proposed Keywords

  • it-x5

cmavo: ri (KOhA5)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Repeats the most recently started complete sumti. When back-counting, most pro-sumti are skipped over by {ri}, and can be repeated instead by repeating them literally. Pro-sumti whose referents would change if repeated literally are available to {ri}, namely {ti}, {ta}, {tu}, {ce'u}, {ma}, {zo'e} and {zu'i}.

Proposed Keywords

  • last sumti

Usage Examples

.i ji'a la lutcezis zo'u ri na kakne le nu ficyju'o la ceris la amonti,ados
And as for Luchesi, he cannot distinguish Sherry from Amontillado.

cmavo: ra (KOhA5)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Repeats a recent, but usually not the previous, sumti.

Proposed Keywords

  • recent sumti

Usage Examples

.i ca lenu la gregor.samsas. co'a cikna gi'e co'u raktu senva vau ca lo cerni kei ra facki lenu ra vi le ckana ba'o binxo lo brabra cinki
As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself in his bed transformed into a gigantic insect.

cmavo: ru (KOhA5)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. Repeats an earlier sumti, to be determined from context.

Proposed Keywords

  • earlier sumti

Usage Examples

.i mi kucli ledu'u makau frica le xe fanva be ri le xe fanva be ru
I'm curious as to what differs from the translation of that and the translation of the thing you said a bit ago.

cmavo: ti (KOhA6)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. This here. Refers to a thing or place near the speaker.

Proposed Keywords

  • this here

Usage Examples

ti joncku lei cafne preti be la lojban
This here is a collective FAQs of Lojban.

cmavo: ta (KOhA6)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. That there. Refers to a thing or place near the listener or a medium distance from the speaker.

Proposed Keywords

  • that there

Usage Examples

doi ksion go'i .i ta cnino traji
Hey Xion, yeah. That thing near you is the most new.

cmavo: tu (KOhA6)

Proposed Definition

pro-sumti. That yonder. Refers to a thing or place far away from the speaker and the listener.

Proposed Keywords

  • that yonder

Usage Examples

tu cukta lo pixra be lo nalgasnu ninmu
That over there is a book containing pictures of females not really doing anything.


this about ri/vo'a (+ soi)


BPFK poll: Anaphoric Pro-sumti
  • I agree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
  • I disagree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
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(Votes: 4)


Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 21:12 GMT Ilmen from Adding missing section. 24
Fri 11 of Jul, 2014 16:56 GMT Ilmen from Better definition 23
Thu 12 of Jun, 2014 21:37 GMT selpa'i from 22
Thu 12 of Jun, 2014 21:29 GMT selpa'i from 21
Tue 10 of Jun, 2014 03:29 GMT mukti from 20
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:41 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 19
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:35 GMT selpa'i from 18
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:28 GMT selpa'i from 17
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:08 GMT selpa'i from 16
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:07 GMT selpa'i from Box Plugin modified by editor. 15
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:00 GMT mukti from Extended boxes to all cmavo 14
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:51 GMT mukti from Add definition, deindent 13
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:43 GMT mukti from Add "Proposed Definition" header, indent keywords list 12
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:38 GMT mukti from Reboxed ko'* and fo'* 11
Sun 09 of Jan, 2011 07:08 GMT RossOgilvie from More formatting 10
Sun 09 of Jan, 2011 06:46 GMT RossOgilvie from 9
Sun 09 of Jan, 2011 06:40 GMT RossOgilvie from reformatting 8
Sun 21 of Nov, 2010 05:09 GMT lindarthebard from 7
Tue 12 of Oct, 2010 10:34 GMT lindarthebard from 6
Sat 17 of Apr, 2004 04:57 GMT rab.spir from 5
Wed 14 of Apr, 2004 05:38 GMT rab.spir from 4
Wed 14 of Apr, 2004 02:32 GMT rab.spir from 3
Tue 13 of Apr, 2004 04:46 GMT rab.spir from 2