History: BPFK Section: Irrealis Attitudinals

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Proposed definitions

.ai (UI1)
Intent. It indicates the speaker's intent for the situation described to obtain. (intent - indecision - rejection/refusal)

.ai mi ze'e ba jmive
I intend to live forever.

.ai le mi cukta do sidju gi'e pacnygau
I intend for my book to give you help and hope.

.ainai do pu se xrani
I didn't mean for you to get hurt.

.aicu'i mi ti ba te vecnu
I don't know whether I'll purchase these or not.

.au (UI1)
Desire. Wish. It indicates the speaker's wish that the situation described were real. (desire - indifference - reluctance)

.au lo tricu cu krati lo ro se genja gi'e sfasa lo kusru be gy
Would that the trees might speak on behalf of all things that have roots, and punish those that wrong them!

.aunai ta tai kargu
I wish those weren't so expensive.

.aucu'i makau jinga
I don't really care who wins.

.a'o (UI1)
Hope. It indicates the speaker's hope that the situation described happens. (hope - despair)

.a'o le nobli cu gidva lo se zukte be mi
Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways.

.ei (UI1)
Obligation. It indicates the speaker's take on how things ought to be. (obligation - freedom)

.ei mi cliva co'o
Gotta go now, bye!

.ei le jatna cu ckeji
The president ought to be ashamed.

.ei do djuno
You ought to know.

.einai do tolnurcni
You don't have to feel threatened.

.e'a (UI1)
Permission. It indicates the speaker's permission to the audience to bring about the situation described. (granting permission - prohibiting)

.e'a do tsebi'o
You may sit down.

.e'anai do ti stali
You can't stay here.

.e'e (UI1)
Exhortation. Encouragement. Incitation. It indicates the speaker's exhortation, encouragement or incitation to the audience to bring about the situation described. (competence - incompetence/inability)

.e'e ko jarco lo se kakne be do
Show them what you can do! Go for it!

.e'i (UI1)
Challenge. Dare. It indicates the speaker's challenge or dare to the audience to bring about the situation described. (constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint)

.e'i mi do bajra jivna fe'e co'u le karce
I'll race you to the car!

.e'o (UI1)
Request . It indicates the speaker's request to the audience to bring about the situation described. (request - negative request)

.e'o do dunda le silna mi
Can you pass me the salt, please?

.e'u (UI1)
Suggestion. It indicates the speaker's suggestion to the audience to bring about the situation described. (suggestion - abandon suggest - warning)

.e'u mi'o salci
Let's party!

Attitudinal expression Attitude expressed
.ai sentence le cusku cu relzilzu'e lo nu sentence
.ainai sentence le cusku cu relzilzu'e lo nu naku sentence
.aicu'i sentence le cusku no'e relzilzu'e lo nu sentence
.au sentence le cusku cu djica lo nu sentence
.aunai sentence le cusku cu djica lo nu naku sentence
.aucu'i sentence le cusku no'e djica lo nu sentence
.a'o sentence le cusku cu pacna lo nu sentence
.a'onai sentence le cusku cu pacna lo nu naku sentence
.a'ocu'i sentence le cusku no'e pacna lo nu sentence
.ei sentence lo nu sentence cu sarcu
.einai sentence lo nu sentence cu na sarcu
.e'a sentence lo nu naku sentence cu na sarcu
.e'anai sentence lo nu naku sentence cu sarcu
.e'e sentence le cusku cu xlura le te cusku lo nu sentence
.e'enai sentence le cusku cu xlura le te cusku lo nu naku sentence
.e'ecu'i sentence le cusku no'e xlura le te cusku lo nu sentence
.e'i sentence le cusku cu talsa le te cusku lo nu sentence
.e'inai sentence le cusku cu talsa le te cusku lo nu naku sentence
.e'icu'i sentence le cusku no'e talsa le te cusku lo nu sentence
.e'o sentence le cusku cu cpedu lo nu sentence kei le te cusku
.e'onai sentence le cusku cu cpedu lo nu naku sentence kei le te cusku
.e'ocu'i sentence le cusku no'e cpedu lo nu sentence kei le te cusku
.e'u sentence le cusku cu stidi lo nu sentence kei le te cusku
.e'unai sentence le cusku cu stidi lo nu naku sentence kei le te cusku
.e'ucu'i sentence le cusku no'e stidi lo nu sentence kei le te cusku


  • The definitions of e'e and e'i are based on a very lose interpretation of some of the keywords, so that they fit the e-series, which in all other cases expresses the speaker's attitude towards the audience's bringing about some situation.

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .ai

;.ai (UI1). Used to express intent {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.See also termu'i, terzu'e, seljdi, selcu'a.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .ai Usage

Proposed Definition of .ai cu'i

;.ai cu'i (UI*1). Used to express indecision {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .ai cu'i Usage

Proposed Definition of .ai nai

;.ai nai (UI*1). Used to express refusal {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .ai nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .au

;.au (UI1). Used to express desire {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.See also djica.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .au Usage

Proposed Definition of .au cu'i

;.au cu'i (UI*1). Used to express indifference {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .au cu'i Usage

Proposed Definition of .au nai

;.au nai (UI*1). Used to express reluctance {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .au nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .a'o

;.a'o (UI1). Used to express hope {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.See also pacna.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .a'o Usage

Proposed Definition of .a'o nai

;.a'o nai (UI*1). Used to express despair {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .a'o nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .ei

;.ei (UI1). Used to express obligation {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.See also bilga, zifre.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .ei Usage

Proposed Definition of .ei nai

;.ei nai (UI*1). Used to express freedom {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .ei nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .e'a

;.e'a (UI1). Used to express permission {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.See also curmi.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'a Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'a nai

;.e'a nai (UI*1). Used to express prohibition {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'a nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .e'e

;.e'e (UI1). Used to express competence {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.See also kakne, certu.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'e Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'e nai

;.e'e nai (UI*1). Used to express incompetence {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'e nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .e'i

;.e'i (UI1). Used to express constraint {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.See also selri'u, seljimte.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'i Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'i cu'i

;.e'i cu'i (UI*1). Used to express independence {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'i cu'i Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'i nai

;.e'i nai (UI*1). Used to express challenge {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'i nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .e'o

;.e'o (UI1). Used to express request {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.See also cpedu, pikci.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'o Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'o nai

;.e'o nai (UI*1). Used to express negative request {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises an emotional scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'o nai Usage



Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of .e'u

;.e'u (UI1). Used to express suggestion {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.See also stidi, kajde.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'u Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'u cu'i

;.e'u cu'i (UI*1). Used to express abandon suggestion {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'u cu'i Usage

Proposed Definition of .e'u nai

;.e'u nai (UI*1). Used to express warning {INSERT MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS HERE}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.

    • Keywords:

Examples of .e'u nai Usage




Information Version
Sat 23 of Aug, 2014 16:31 GMT Ilmen from Adding keywords and word links. 26
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:43 GMT mukti from Reformatted 25
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:18 GMT selpa'i from 24
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:24 GMT mukti from 23
Thu 08 of Nov, 2012 19:59 GMT admin from 22
Thu 02 of Dec, 2010 03:01 GMT lindarthebard from 21
Fri 08 of Oct, 2010 23:48 GMT eyeonus from 20
Tue 21 of Sep, 2010 20:06 GMT Eimi from Added verbiage around realis/irrealis merger 19
Sat 13 of Aug, 2005 18:19 GMT xorxes from 18
Fri 12 of Aug, 2005 18:13 GMT xorxes from 17
Thu 11 of Aug, 2005 19:01 GMT xorxes from 16
Tue 09 of Aug, 2005 14:22 GMT xorxes from 15
Tue 09 of Aug, 2005 14:21 GMT xorxes from 14
Fri 08 of Jul, 2005 13:16 GMT xorxes from 13
Tue 05 of Jul, 2005 19:45 GMT rlpowell from 12
Mon 04 of Jul, 2005 19:31 GMT xorxes from 11
Mon 04 of Jul, 2005 19:24 GMT xorxes from 10
Mon 04 of Jul, 2005 17:02 GMT xorxes from 9
Mon 04 of Jul, 2005 16:14 GMT xorxes from 8
Mon 04 of Jul, 2005 15:32 GMT xorxes from 7
Wed 29 of Jun, 2005 18:51 GMT xorxes from 6
Sat 25 of Jun, 2005 00:17 GMT rlpowell from 5
Fri 24 of Jun, 2005 23:57 GMT rlpowell from 4
Thu 16 of Jun, 2005 23:53 GMT rlpowell from 3
Wed 25 of Aug, 2004 14:43 GMT xorxes from 2
Wed 18 of Aug, 2004 19:20 GMT xorxes from 1