History: BPFK Section: MEX Operators

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  • Mathematical operators take one or more operands, which are here referred to by an 'x' subscripted with a number.
  • Operators defined here as "unary" must have no more than one operand that is not equal to tu'o (referred to simply as "the operand" within the respective definitions) and which may occur at any position in the operator's operand list.
    • See also: CLL section 18.16, example 16.3 and the paragraph before it, in which the operand of va'a is in the x_1 place; CLL section 18.14, example 14.1, in which the operand of va'a is in the x_2 place.
  • If all operands of an operator are tu'o, the value of the expression is equal to tu'o.
  • When an expression is here said to be "undefined," it means that, in the absence of external information about the interpretation of the expression, it is semantically void, meaningless, and/or nonsensical.

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of fu'u

fu'u (VUhU0)
unspecif operator — n-ary mathematical operator: elliptical/unspecified mathematical expression (mex) operator -
    • Keywords:

Examples of fu'u Usage

Proposed Definition of ge'a

ge'a (VUhU0)
null operator — mathematical operator: null mathematical expression (mex) operator (used in >2-ary ops) --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ge'a Usage

Proposed Definition of fe'i

fe'i (VUhU1)
divided by — n-ary mathematical operator: divided by; division operator; (((a / b) / c) / ...) --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fe'i Usage

Proposed Definition of pi'i

pi'i (VUhU1)
times — n-ary mathematical operator: times; multiplication operator; (((a * b) * c) * ...) --
    • Keywords:

Examples of pi'i Usage

Proposed Definition of su'i

su'i (VUhU1)
plus — n-ary mathematical operator: plus; addition operator; (((a + b) + c) + ...) --
    • Keywords:

Examples of su'i Usage

Proposed Definition of vu'u

vu'u (VUhU1)
minus — n-ary mathematical operator: minus; subtraction operator; (((a - b) - c) - ...) --
    • Keywords:

Examples of vu'u Usage

Proposed Definition of fa'i

fa'i (VUhU2)
reciprocal of — unary mathematical operator: reciprocal; multiplicative inverse; 1/a --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fa'i Usage

cmavo: gei (VUhU2)

Current definition

exponential notation — trinary mathematical operator: order of magnitude/value/base; b * (c to the a power) --

Proposed definition

scientific notation: x_2 * (x_3 ^ x_1); x_2 defaults to 1; x_3 defaults to 10

Proposed keyword

  • scientific notation

Examples of gei Usage

li cinonoki'oki'o du li bi gei ci
300,000,000 = 3 * 10^8 (CLL, §18.14, example 14.2)

gei reno
10^20 (CLL, §18.14, example 14.3)

papano bi'eju'u re gei pipanopano bi'eju'u re ge'a re
.1010_2 * 2 ^ 110_2 (CLL, §18.14, example 14.4)

Proposed Definition of ju'u

ju'u (VUhU2)
number base — binary mathematical operator: number base; a interpreted in the base b --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ju'u Usage

Proposed Definition of pa'i

pa'i (VUhU2)
ratio — binary mathematical operator: ratio; the ratio of a to b --
    • Keywords:

Examples of pa'i Usage

Proposed Definition of te'a

te'a (VUhU2)
to the power — binary mathematical operator: to the power; exponential; a to the b power --
    • Keywords:

Examples of te'a Usage

Proposed Definition of cu'a

cu'a (VUhU3)
absolute value — unary mathematical operator: absolute value/norm |a| --
    • Keywords:

Examples of cu'a Usage

Proposed Definition of de'o

de'o (VUhU3)
logarithm — binary mathematical operator: logarithm; log/ln a to base b; default base 10 or e --
    • Keywords:

Examples of de'o Usage

Proposed Definition of fe'a

fe'a (VUhU3)
nth root of — binary mathematical operator: nth root of; inverse power a to the 1/b power --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fe'a Usage

Proposed Definition of ne'o

ne'o (VUhU3)
factorial — unary mathematical operator: factorial; a! --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ne'o Usage

Proposed Definition of va'a

va'a (VUhU3)
additive inverse — unary mathematical operator: additive inverse; - a --
    • Keywords:

Examples of va'a Usage

Proposed Definition of pi'a

pi'a (VUhU4)
matrix of rows — n-ary mathematical operator: operands are vectors to be treated as matrix rows --
    • Keywords:

Examples of pi'a Usage

Proposed Definition of re'a

re'a (VUhU4)
transpose — unary mathematical operator: matrix transpose/dual; A* --
    • Keywords:

Examples of re'a Usage

Proposed Definition of ri'o

ri'o (VUhU4)
integral — trinary mathematical operator: integral of a with respect to b over range c --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ri'o Usage

Proposed Definition of sa'i

sa'i (VUhU4)
matrix of columns — n-ary mathematical operator: operands are vectors to be treated as matrix columns --
    • Keywords:

Examples of sa'i Usage

Proposed Definition of sa'o

sa'o (VUhU4)
derivative — trinary mathematical operator: derivative of a with respect to b of degree c --
    • Keywords:

Examples of sa'o Usage

Proposed Definition of si'i

si'i (VUhU4)
sigma summation — trinary mathematical operator: sigma summation of a using variable b over range c --
    • Keywords:

Examples of si'i Usage



Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 15:19 GMT Ilmen from Fixing a typo 37
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 15:17 GMT Ilmen from Template + notes 36
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:30 GMT mukti from 35
Tue 19 of Oct, 2010 01:02 GMT lindarthebard from 34
Wed 15 of Sep, 2010 08:12 GMT RossOgilvie from Wrote up impact section 33
Wed 15 of Sep, 2010 07:48 GMT RossOgilvie from Tidy up and some standardisation 32
Mon 13 of Sep, 2010 02:32 GMT RossOgilvie from 31
Mon 13 of Sep, 2010 02:32 GMT RossOgilvie from sa'o 30
Sat 11 of Sep, 2010 05:16 GMT RossOgilvie from 29
Sat 11 of Sep, 2010 04:54 GMT RossOgilvie from ri'o 28
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 10:47 GMT RossOgilvie from 27
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 10:36 GMT RossOgilvie from 26
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 08:29 GMT RossOgilvie from va'a 25
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 08:10 GMT RossOgilvie from ne'o 24
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 06:00 GMT RossOgilvie from fe'a 23
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 05:50 GMT RossOgilvie from de'o 22
Fri 10 of Sep, 2010 05:46 GMT RossOgilvie from 21
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 07:23 GMT RossOgilvie from did te'a 20
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 07:18 GMT RossOgilvie from 19
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 07:11 GMT RossOgilvie from did pa'i 18
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 05:01 GMT RossOgilvie from did ju'u 17
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 04:42 GMT RossOgilvie from added a keyword to gei 16
Thu 09 of Sep, 2010 04:40 GMT RossOgilvie from Several definitions 15
Wed 08 of Sep, 2010 04:01 GMT RossOgilvie from Did fe'i 14
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 14:30 GMT RossOgilvie from Did ge'a 13
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 14:18 GMT RossOgilvie from Added boxes to the page 12
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 14:13 GMT RossOgilvie from Did vu'u 11
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 14:02 GMT RossOgilvie from Repealed earlier change (don't know what I was thinking) and minor formatting of CLL refererences 10
Sun 18 of Apr, 2010 14:17 GMT RossOgilvie from 9
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 02:12 GMT Minimiscience from Put boxes around the edited cmavo to make them stand out more 8
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 02:05 GMT Minimiscience from Described fe'i and pi'i 7
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 01:49 GMT Minimiscience from Added in a forgotten subsection heading 6
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 01:48 GMT Minimiscience from Began describing the implicit type system 5
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 01:28 GMT Minimiscience from Specified fu'u 4
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 01:21 GMT Minimiscience from Fixed formatting 3
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 01:17 GMT Minimiscience from Descibed "gei" and some general things about VUhU 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:47 GMT rlpowell from 1