History: BPFK Section: Reference Regulators

Preview of version: 16 (current)

Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: da'o (DAhO)

Proposed Definition

This cancels standing pro-assigns. Signals a point beyond which all previously assigned pro-sumti and pro-bridi are no longer assigned.

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • cancel pro- assignment

Usage Examples

i le te cuxna cu se cmima ro le jivna e pa xanri jivna no'u la nonjinga zi'e poi sinxa lesi'o cuxna node i da'o curmi lenu da e de dunli xymoi lo porsi kei poi skicu ledu'u dunynei da de itu'e da'o go da poi cuxna cu djica lenu de poi jivna na jinga gi ei le cuxste po da skicu ledu'u da zmanei la nonjinga de

The ballot contains all the candidates, plus a hypothetical candidate "Nobody". Voters are allowed to give equal ranks to candidates if they have no preference between them.
(Multiple-winner Condorcet)


Out of a discussion of {goi} it seems to be a popular notion to change the definition of da'o. The redefinition is detailed here. In summary

1) da'o is moved to selma'o UI. DAhO is almost UI anyway.

2) The variable da'o is attached to has its assignment cleared. It is far more common to want to clear one assignment than to clear all of them.

3) da'onai means this: the variable da'onai is attached to retains its assignment and all other variables are cleared.

4) da'oda'o means that all variables have their assignments cleared.

cmavo: ra'o (DAhO)

Proposed Definition

This flags a GOhA that all the pro-assignments in the current bridi should be re-evaluated in the speaker's current context.

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • pro-assigns update

Usage Examples

A: mi xagji lo rectu gi'e taske lo ckafi

B: .i .ie go'i ra'o je'u

A: - I am hungry for meat and thirsty for coffee.

B: - Yes, so am I, indeed.

A: .i mi na birti lo su'u mi kakne lo nu mi xamgu ke fonxa cusku bau la lojban

B: mi go'i

B: ra'o

A: I am not sure I am able to speak Lojban well on the phone.

B: I am not sure either.

B: ... that I will be able to speak Lojban well on the phone.


cmavo: soi (SOI)

Proposed Definition

This discursive indicates reciprocal relationship between sumti in this bridi. It corresponds to vice-versa in English. If followed by two sumti, it indicates that those two sumti may be swapped in the bridi and the bridi will remain true. If only followed by one sumti, the second sumti is inferred the be the sumti immediately before soi. Its ellidible terminator is {se'u}.

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • reciprocal
  • vice-versa

Usage Examples

.i mi tavla do soi vo'a

I talk to you, and vice versa.

We talk to each other.

mi ze'u na'e tavla do soi vo'a
We haven't talked to each other in a long time (vensa - IRC on 28 Jan 2010 11:25:30)


There has been discussion about whether soi changes the referral distance of vo'V. Not sure if it should go here though


There has been some discussion on how long da-series cmavo stay bound, ie. whether or not they are always canceled by sentence boundaries not joined by connectives. This, however, has no bearing on da'o, which cancels unconditionally.


There is a proposal to change {da'o} documented here.


There is a proposal by selpa'i to repurpose {soi} into something more useful. See this page for a description of the change.


Information Version
Tue 02 of Dec, 2014 17:32 GMT durka42 from 16
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 20:50 GMT Ilmen from Minor template fixes. 15
Tue 10 of Jun, 2014 03:30 GMT mukti from 14
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 22:58 GMT selpa'i from 13
Thu 31 of May, 2012 08:05 GMT rlpowell from 12
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 13:01 GMT RossOgilvie from moved some of the issues around 11
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 12:57 GMT RossOgilvie from Moved conflict about da'o from subordinators page to issues of da'o 10
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 12:55 GMT RossOgilvie from 9
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 12:55 GMT RossOgilvie from issues with da'o 8
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 12:03 GMT RossOgilvie from formatting and changed an example 7
Wed 12 of Jan, 2011 11:32 GMT RossOgilvie from Added reference to example 6
Wed 29 of Dec, 2010 07:15 GMT lindarthebard from 5
Sat 25 of Dec, 2010 06:41 GMT lindarthebard from 4
Sun 20 of Sep, 2009 12:38 GMT arj from More discussion and usage 3
Tue 07 of Apr, 2009 20:36 GMT arj from Added examples, some fleshing out of definitions 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 03:04 GMT rlpowell from 1