The most widely spoken constructed language, designed by Zamenhof in the late
19th century as an international auxiliary language, or auxlang.


Formerly (in the 'Tweeners era) a substantial number of Lojbanists were familiar with Esperanto. This no longer appears to be the case. -> Lojban and Esperanto

How many still do? nitcion, xorxes...maiky'elsym...cein...stivyn...

  • I thought Esperanto was pretty famous. I first heard of it when I was seven or eight years old, long before I ever heard of Lojban. --Plastic Raven
    • (1) Wiki chat sucks; use the mailing list. (2) He means "familiar" as in "can speak".
      • Oh. Well, it seems that most people who start with Lojban never really want to try any other constructed languages. --Plastic Raven

The gismu spero was suggested for Esperanto, but rejected.

lei la esperanton prenu.

'shouldn't this be "lei me la esperanton. prenu"?' If you want a tanru, yes. But this isn't necessarily a tanru. lei la esperanton. prenu expands to lei prenu pe la esperanton much as le mi cukta expands to le cukta pe mi.

Esperanto, the Aggressor Language!