statement = statement-1 | prenex statement
statement-1 = statement-2 [[I joik-jek [[statement-2]] ...
statement-2 = statement-3 [I [[jek | joik] [stag] BO # [[statement-2]]
statement-3 = sentence | [tag] TUhE # text-1 /TUhU#/

subsentence = sentence | prenex subsentence

text-1 has already been reduced in Step 1 to paragraphs.
If there is a paragraphs, proceed to Step 4 and reduce it to statement.

[tag] TUhE # statement /TUhU#/: is reduced to "[tag ku zo'u] statement"
which is a statement.

Now, starting from the innermost statement-2, and using the appropriate
gek= [SE] GA [NAI] # | joik GI # | stag gik:

sentence [I [[jek | joik] [stag] BO # [[sentence]]: is reduced to "gek sentence gik sentence".

  • Note: the above transformation can't be done if both "(jek | joik)" and "stag" are present, because gek can only cover one of them. For example {broda i ja ba bo brode} has to be somehow both {ga broda gi brode} and {ba gi broda gi brode}. One way to deal with this would be to connect those two with {ge ... gi ...}, but that involves repeating the sentences, which means things like anaphora have to be dealt with first, as they can't be simply repeated.

Once all statement-2 have been reduced to sentence, we proceeed with statement-1:

sentence [[I joik-jek [[sentence]]: is reduced to "gek sentence gik sentence" (a form of sentence).

That leaves:

statement = sentence | prenex statement

which means that statement has been reduced to subsentence.