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; To make a mooix file, wrap a single procedure of one argument in (mooix ...).
; mooix coerces the values returned into the correct form. It accepts the following return values:
; A number - converted to a string
; A string - left alone
; A mooix object reference - converted to its ID string
; A list of any of the above - each element converted, elements seperated by newlines
; The first argument passed in by mooix is the mooix object the code is on, the second is the parameters the method was called with, as a list.
; The input parameter code coerces mooix objects and numbers into their Scheme types

all code that is passed or returns values used as booleans must respect Perl boolean conventions, to wit: FILL IN

; Need to be able to distinguish built-in methods from actual mooix object methods, so need both dispatch and can-dispatch funcs
; dispatch on strings, not idents, since files can start with . and so on

(define (mooix code)
; The core bit: get inbound args, pass them to the given code, process the outbound args
; TODO: $this should be passed here
; mooix objects are largely glorified wrappers to dispatch

is dir the right internal data bit??

(define (mooix-obj dir)
(letrec ((this ; NB: we use "this" in this def'n; I believe this to be legal due to the lambda, but not sure until actually run
(lambda (method . args)
; base data selectors
((string=? method "dir") dir)
(else (dispatch this method args))
(define (dispatch this method args)
(display ("In dispatch: " (this "dir") method args) (current-error-port))
; built-in methods
assoc method dispatch-table) => (lambda (meth) (meth this args)
; file methods/fields
(else (file-dispatch this method args))
; Call on-disk method or retrieve/set field value
(define (file-dispatch this method args)
(let file (this "fieldfile" (list method))
(if (and file (file-exists? file))
(if (regular-file? file)
; Regular on-disk field or method call
(if (file-execute-access? method)
(file-field this method args)
(file-method this method args)
; File is dir or symlink - return associated mooix object
(if (and (directory? file) (file-exists? (make-absolute-path file ".mooix")))
; "file" is mooix dir
(mooix-obj file)
(if (and (symbolic-link? file) (file-exists? (make-absolute-path (read-symbolic-link file) ".mooix")))
; "file" is mooix dir
(mooix-obj (read-symbolic-link file))
; Not regular file, not mooix obj - badness
(and (display ("Object " (obj "fieldget_lang" "name") " has no regular field or method or mooix object pointer named " file ".") (current-error-port)) #f)
; No such file - might be setting a new field
(if (= (length args) 1)
(obj "setfield" file (car args))
(and (display ("Object " (obj "fieldget_lang" "name") " has no field or method named " file " at all.") (current-error-port)) #f)
; Call a method from a file
(define (file-method this method args)
(let file (this "fieldfile" (list method))
(let-values (
((fromport toport pid)
; We pass the empty argument string just to avoid the shell
(process file ""))
(display (scheme->mooix-string this) toport)
(display (scheme->mooix-string args) toport)
(mooix-string->scheme (read-string from-port))

inline this?

(define (process-return list)
(scheme->mooix-string list)

inline this?

(define (process-args)
(mooix-string->scheme (read-string))