Robin's Palm Writings Category: misc

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- pass $this in to procs being run by (mooix ...) - I think we get that from the environment?
- ; TODO: is dir the right internal data bit?? For mooix-obj
- dhould we provide access to dispatch-table items directly? (i.e.without going through a mooix obj) (thus far we don't)
- explicate perl booleans
-Current bindings (including this one) only allow symlinks to objects (i.e. directories); this seems dumb. Look at the other bindings and see if there's a real problem with symlinks to fields or methods
- PERL: fieldfile-lang should collect obj/field info on the way up so it only needs to walk once — enh; no advantage over recursion I don't think in terms of number of file accesses
- PERL: last step of fieldfile-lang is filefile; if we pass the obj back that the field was defined on, fieldfile might be faster. Might as well look at the flag system too; no idea how much fieldfile-lang is contributing to run times, though
- rewrite some or all so args is an assoc list; fieldfile-langs for example