B | C | D | F | G | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | X | Z

cabna x1 is simultaneous with x2 x1 is current at/in the present of/during/concurrent/simultaneous with x2 in time.
cabra x1 is equipment for doing x2 used by x3 x1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x2 controlled/[triggered] by x3 (agent).
cacra x1 is x2 hours long by standard x3 x1 is x2 hours in duration (default is 1 hour) by standard x3.
cadzu x1 walks on x2 using limbs x3 x1 walks/strides/paces on surface x2 using limbs x3.
cafne x1 often occurs by standard x2 x1 (event) often/frequently/commonly/customarily occurs/recurs by standard x2.
cakla x1 is chocolate x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of chocolate/cocoa.
calku x1 is a shell around x2 composed of x3 x1 is a shell/husk [hard, protective covering] around x2 composed of x3.
canci x1 disappears from x2 x1 vanishes/disappears from location x2; x1 ceases to be observed at x2 using senses/sensor x3.
cando x1 is idle x1 is idle/at rest/inactive.
cange x1 is a farm at x2 farmed by x3 producing x4 x1 is a farm/ranch at x2, farmed by x3, raising/producing x4; (adjective:) x1 is agrarian.
canja x1 trades x2 for x3 with x4 x1 exchanges/trades/barters commodity x2 for x3 with x4; x1, x4 is a trader/merchant/businessman.
canko x1 is a window in x2 x1 is a window/portal/opening [portal] in wall/building/structure x2.
canlu x1 is the space, that x2 occupies x1 is space/volume/region/room [at-least-3-dimensional area] occupied by x2.
canpa x1 is a shovel for digging x2 x1 is a shovel/spade [bladed digging implement] for digging x2.
canre x1 is sand from x2 made of x3 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of sand/grit from source x2 of composition including x3.
canti x1 is the gut of x2 x1 is a/the gut(s)/entrails/intestines/viscera/innards/digestive system [body-part] of x2.
carce x1 is a cart for carrying x2 propelled by x3 x1 is a cart/carriage/wagon [wheeled vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
carmi x1 is intense in property x2 to x3 x1 is intense/bright/saturated/brilliant in property (ka) x2 as received/measured by observer x3.
carna x1 rotates around x2 in direction x3 x1 turns/rotates/revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
cartu x1 is a chart of x2 showing x3 x1 is a chart/diagram/map of/about x2 showing formation/data-points x3.
carvi x1 rains to x2 from x3 x1 rains/showers/[precipitates] to x2 from x3; x1 is precipitation [not limited to 'rain'].
casnu x1 discuss x2 with each other x1(s) (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) discuss(es)/talk(s) about topic/subject x2.
catke x1 shoves x2 at locus x3 x1 [agent] shoves/pushes x2 at locus x3.
catlu x1 looks at x2 x1 looks at/examines/views/inspects/regards/watches/gazes at x2.
catni x1 has authority over x2 on basis x3 x1 has authority/is an official in/on/over matter/sphere/persons x2 derived on basis x3.
catra x1 kills x2 by method x3 x1 (agent) kills/slaughters/murders x2 by action/method x3.
caxno x1 is shallow in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4.
cecla x1 launches x2 propelled by x3 x1 launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile x2, propelled by x3 [propellant/propulsion].
cecmu x1 is a community of organisms x2 x1 is a community/colony of organisms x2.
cedra x1 is an era characterized by x2 x1 is an era/epoch/age characterized by x2 (event/property/interval/idea).
cenba x1 varies in x2 in amount x3 under conditions x4 x1 varies/changes in property/quantity x2 (ka/ni) in amount/degree x3 under conditions x4.
censa x1 is holy to x2 x1 is holy/sacred to person/people/culture/religion/cult/group x2.
centi x1 is a hundredth x1 is a hundredth [1/100; 1 ⨉ 10^-2] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
cerda x1 inherits x2 from x2 according to rule x4 x1 is an heir to/is to inherit x2 (object/quality) from x3 according to rule x4.
cerni x1 as a morning of day x2 at location x3 x1 is a morning [dawn until after typical start-of-work for locale] of day x2 at location x3.
certu x1 is an expert at x2 by standard x3 x1 is an expert/pro/has prowess in/is skilled at x2 (event/activity) by standard x3.
cevni x1 is divine to x2 with dominion over x3 x1 is a/the god/deity of people(s)/religion x2 with dominion over x3 [sphere]; x1 is divine.
cfari x1 starts to happen x1 [state/event/process] commences/initiates/starts/begins to occur; (intransitive verb).
cfika x1 is fiction about x2 by author x3 x1 is a work of fiction about plot/theme/subject x2/under convention x2 by author x3.
cfila x1 is a flaw in x2 causing x3 x1 (property - ka) is a flaw/fault/defect in x2 causing x3.
cfine x1 is a wedge made of x2 x1 is a wedge [shape/form/tool] of material x2.
cfipu x1 confuses x2 due to x3 x1 (event/state) confuses/baffles x2 [observer] due to [confusing] property x3 (ka).
ciblu x1 is blood of x2 x1 is blood/vital fluid of organism x2.
cicna x1 is cyan x1 is cyan/turquoise/greenish-blue [color adjective].
cidja x1 is food for x2 x1 is food/feed/nutriment for x2; x1 is edible/gives nutrition to x2.
cidni x1 is a body joint of limb x2 of body x3 x1 is a/the knee/elbow/knuckle [hinged joint, body-part] of limb x2 of body x3.
cidro x1 is hydrogen x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of hydrogen (H); [metaphor: light, flammable].
cifnu x1 is a baby of species x2 x1 is an infant/baby [helpless through youth/incomplete development] of species x2.
cigla x1 is a gland secreting x2 of body x3 x1 is a/the gland [body-part] secreting x2, of body x3; x2 is a secretion of x1.
cikna x1 is awake (adjective:) x1 is awake/alert/conscious.
cikre x1 repairs x2 for use x3 x1 repairs/mends/fixes x2 for use x3.
ciksi x1 explains x2 to x3 with explanation x4 x1 (person) explains x2 (event/state/property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u).
cilce x1 is untamed (adjective:) x1 is wild/untamed.
cilmo x1 is moist with liquid x2 x1 is moist/wet/damp with liquid x2.
cilre x1 learns that x2 about x3 from x4 using method x5 x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj./event) by method x5 (event/process).
cilta x1 is a thread of material x2 x1 is a thread/filament/wire [shape/form] of material x2.
cimde x1 (property - ka) is a dimension of space/object x2 according to rules/model x3.
cimni x1 is infinite/unending/eternal in property/dimension x2, to degree x3 (quantity)/of type x3.
cinba x1 kisses x2 at x3 x1 (agent) kisses/busses x2 at locus x3.
cindu x1 is an oak of species x2 x1 is an oak, a type of tree of species/strain x2.
cinfo x1 is a lion of breed x2 x1 is a lion/[lioness] of species/breed x2.
cinje x1 is a wrinkle in x2 x1 is a wrinkle/crease/fold [shape/form] in x2.
cinki x1 is an insect of species x2 x1 is an insect/arthropod of species x2; [bug/beetle].
cinla x1 is thin in dimension x2 by standard x3 x1 is thin in direction/dimension x2 by standard x3; [relatively short in smallest dimension].
cinmo x1 feels emotion x2 about x3 x1 feels emotion x2 (ka) about x3.
cinri x1 interests x2 x1 (abstraction) interests/is interesting to x2; x2 is interested in x1.
cinse x1 in activity/state x2 exhibits sexuality/gender/sexual orientation x3 (ka) by standard x4.
cinta x1 is paint of substance x2 in a base of x3 x1 [material] is a paint of pigment/active substance x2, in a base of x3.
cinza x1 is a pincer for x2 to pinch x3 x1 is a/are tong(s)/chopsticks/pincers/tweezers/pliers [tool/body-part] for x2 to pinch x3.
cipni x1 is a bird of species x2 x1 is a bird/avian/fowl of species x2.
cipra x1 is a proof of x2 in subject x3 x1 (process/event) is a test for/proof of property/state x2 in subject x3 (individ./set/mass).
cirko x1 loses x2 at x3 x1 loses person/thing x2 at/near x3; x1 loses property/feature x2 in conditions/situation x3.
cirla x1 is cheese from source x2 x1 is a quantity of/contains cheese/curd from source x2.
ciska x1 writes x2 on x3 using x4 x1 inscribes/writes x2 on display/storage medium x3 with writing implement x4; x1 is a scribe.
cisma x1 smiles x1 smiles/grins (facial expression).
ciste x1 is a system with structure x2, components x3, displaying the property x4 x1 (mass) system interrelated by structure x2 among components x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka).
citka x1 eats x2 x1 eats/ingests/consumes (transitive verb) x2.
citno x1 is young by standard x2 x1 is young/youthful [relatively short in elapsed duration] by standard x2.
citri x1 is a history of x2 according to x3 x1 is a history of x2 according to x3 (person)/from point-of-view x3.
citsi x1 is a season defined by x2 of year(s) x3 x1 is a season/is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
civla x1 is a blood-sucking arthropod of species x2 parasitic on x3 x1 is a louse/flea [blood-sucking arthropod] of species/breed x2, parasitic on x3.
cizra x1 is strange to x2 in property x3 x1 is strange/weird/deviant/bizarre/odd to x2 in property x3 (ka).
ckabu x1 is rubber from source x2 made of x3 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of rubber/latex from source x2 of composition including x3.
ckafi x1 is coffee from source x2 x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of coffee from source/bean/grain x2.
ckaji x1 has property x2 x1 has/is characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1.
ckana x1 is a bed of material x2 for holding x3 x1 is a bed/pallet of material x2 for holding/supporting x3 (person/object/event).
ckape x1 is dangerous for x2 under conditions x3 x1 is perilous/dangerous/potentially harmful to x2 under conditions x3.
ckasu x1 ridicules x2 about x3 by doing x4 x1 ridicules/mocks/scoffs at x2 about x3 (property/event) by doing activity x4 (event).
ckeji x1 feels ashamed under conditions x2 before audience x3 x1 feels ashamed/mortified/humiliated under conditions x2 before community/audience x3.
ckiku x1 is a key fitting x2 with properties x3 x1 is a key fitting/releasing/opening/unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3.
ckilu x1 (si'o) is a scale of units for measuring/observing/determining x2 (state).
ckini x1 is related to x2 by relationship x3 x1 is related to/associated with/akin to x2 by relationship x3.
ckire x1 is grateful to x2 for x3 x1 is grateful/thankful to/appreciative of x2 for x3 (event/property).
ckule x1 is a school at x2, teaching x3 to x4, operated by x5 x1 is school/institute/academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audien./commun. x4 operated by x5.
ckunu x1 is a conifer of species x2 with cones x3 x1 is a conifer/pine/fir of species/strain x2 with cones x3.
cladu x1 is loud at observation point x2 by standard x3 x1 is loud/noisy at observation point x2 by standard x3.
clani x1 is long in dimension x2 by standard x3 x1 is long in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3.
claxu x1 lacks x2 x1 is without/lacking/free of/lacks x2; x1 is x2-less.
clika x1 is a moss of species x2 growing on x3 x1 is a moss/lichen of species/strain x2 growing on x3; (adjective:) x1 is mossy.
clira x1 is early by standard x2 x1 (event) is early by standard x2.
clite x1 is polite in matter x2 according to custom x3 x1 is polite/courteous/civil in matter x2 according to standard/custom x3.
cliva x1 leaves x2 via x3 x1 leaves/goes away/departs/parts/separates from x2 via route x3.
clupa x1 is a loop of material x2 x1 is a loop/circuit of x2 [material].
cmaci x1 is mathematics of type x2 x1 is a mathematics of type/describing x2.
cmalu x1 is small in dimension x2 by standard x3 x1 is small in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3.
cmana x1 is a mountain projecting from x2 x1 is a mountain/hill/mound/[rise]/[peak]/[summit]/[highlands] projecting from land mass x2.
cmavo x1 is a structure word, belonging to group x2, meaning x3, and used in language x4 x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in usage (language) x4.
cmene x1 is the name for x2 used by x3 x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person).
cmila x1 laughs x1 laughs (emotional expression).
cmima x1 is a member of x2 x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2.
cmoni x1 groans x2 expressing x3 x1 utters moan/groan/howl/scream [non-linguistic utterance] x2 expressing x3 (property).
cnano x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4.
cnebo x1 is the neck of x2 x1 is a/the neck [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: a relatively narrow point].
cnemu x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event/property) with reward/desserts x4.
cnici x1 is orderly in property x2 x1 is orderly/neat/ordered in property/quantity x2 (ka/ni).
cnino x1 is new to x2 in property x3 by standard x4 x1 is new/unfamiliar/novel to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4; x1 is a novelty.
cnisa x1 is lead x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of lead (Pb); [metaphor: heavy, malleable, soft metal].
cnita x1 is beneath x2 as seen by x3 x1 is directly/vertically beneath/below/under/underneath/down from x2 in frame of reference x3.
cokcu x1 soaks up x2 from x3 into x4 x1 soaks up/absorbs/sucks up x2 from x3 into x4; x1 is an absorbant.
condi x1 is deep in property x2 away from x3 by standard x4 x1 is deep in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4.
cortu x1 feels pain at x2 x1 hurts/feels pain/hurt at locus x2.
cpacu x1 gets x2 from x3 x1 gets/procures/acquires/obtains/accepts x2 from source x3 [previous possessor not implied].
cpana x1 on top of x2 in frame of reference x3 x1 is upon/atop/resting on/lying on [the upper surface of] x2 in frame of reference/gravity x3.
cpare x1 climbs on x2 in direction x3 using x4 x1 climbs/clambers/creeps/crawls on surface x2 in direction x3 using x4 [limbs/tools].
cpedu x1 requests x2 from x3 in manner x4 x1 requests/asks/petitions/solicits for x2 of/from x3 in manner/form x4.
cpina x1 is pungent to sense x2 x1 is pungent/piquant/peppery/spicy/irritating to sense x2.
cradi x1 broadcasts x2 via radio waves on frequency x3 to x4 x1 broadcasts/transmits [using radio waves] x2 via station/frequency x3 to [radio] receiver x4.
crane x1 is in front of x2 facing x3 x1 is anterior/ahead/forward/(in/on) the front of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3.
creka x1 is a shirt of material x2 x1 is a shirt/blouse/top [upper-body garment - not necessarily sleeved or buttoned], material x2.
crepu x1 harvests x2 from x3 x1 (agent) harvests/reaps/gathers crop/product/objects x2 from source/area x3.
cribe x1 is a bear of species x2 x1 is a bear/ursoid of species/breed x2.
crida x1 is a mythical humanoid of mythos x2 x1 is a fairy/elf/gnome/brownie/pixie/goblin/kobold [mythical humanoid] of mythos/religion x2.
crino x1 is green x1 is green/verdant [color adjective].
cripu x1 is a bridge across x2 between x3 and x4 x1 is a bridge/span over/across x2 between x3 and x4 [unordered, typically destination first].
crisa x1 is summer of year x2 at location x3 x1 is summer/summertime [hot season] of year x2 at location x3.
critu x1 is autumn of year x2 at location x3 x1 is autumn/fall [harvest/cooling season] of year x2 at location x3.
ctaru x1 as a tide in x2 caused by x3 x1 is a tide [cyclical/periodic expansion] in x2 caused by x3.
ctebi x1 is the lip of orifice x2 of body x3 x1 is a/the lip [body-part]/rim of orifice x2 of body x3; (adjective:) x1 is labial.
cteki x1 is a tax on x2 levied against x3 by authority x4 x1 is a tax/levy/duty on goods/services/event x2 levied against x3 by authority/collector x4.
ctile x1 is petroleum from source x2 x1 is a quantity of petroleum/oil from source x2.
ctino x1 as a shadow of x2 made by light source x3 x1 is a shadow/the shade of object x2, made by light/energy source x3.
ctuca x1 teaches to x2 ideas x3 about subject x4 by method x5 x1 teaches audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event).
cukla x1 is round x1 is round/circular [2-dimensional shape/form]; x1 is a disk/circle/ring.
cukta x1 is a book entitled x2 written by x3 for audience x4 in medium x5 x1 is a book containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5.
culno x1 is full of x2 x1 is full/completely filled with x2.
cumki x1 is possible under conditions x2 x1 (event/state/property) is possible under conditions x2; x1 may/might occur; x1 is a maybe.
cumla x1 is humble about x2 x1 is humble/modest about x2 (abstraction); x1 displays humility about x2.
cunmi x1 is millet of species x2 x1 is a quantity of millet [grain] of species/strain x2.
cunso x1 is random under conditions x2 with probability distribution x3 x1 is random/fortuitous/unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3.
cuntu x1 is a business involving persons x_2 x1 is an affair/organized activity involving person(s) x2 (ind./mass); x1 is x2's business.
cupra x1 produces x2 by process x3 x1 produces x2 [product] by process x3.
curmi x1 permits x2 under conditions x3 x1 (agent) lets/permits/allows x2 (event) under conditions x3; x1 grants privilege x2.
curnu x1 is a worm of species x2 x1 is a worm/invertebrate animal of species/breed x2.
curve x1 is pure in property x2 x1 is pure/unadulterated/unmitigated/simple in property x2 (ka).
cusku x1 says x2 to x3 via x4 x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4.
cutci x1 is a shoe for covering x2 of material x3 x1 is a shoe/boot/sandal for covering/protecting [feet/hooves] x2, and of material x3.
cutne x1 is the chest of x2 x1 is a/the chest/thorax/upper trunk/[rib cage/breast] [body-part] of x2.
cuxna x1 chooses x2 from set x3 x1 chooses/selects x2 [choice] from set/sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set).