B | C | D | F | G | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | X | Z

facki x1 discovers that x2 about x3 x1 discovers/finds out x2 (du'u) about subject/object x3; x1 finds (fi) x3 (object).
fadni x1 is ordinary in property x2 among members of x3 x1 [member] is ordinary/common/typical/usual in property x2 (ka) among members of x3 (set).
fagri x1 is a fire in fuel x2 burning in x3 x1 is a fire/flame in fuel x2 burning-in/reacting-with oxidizer x3 (default air/oxygen).
falnu x1 is a sail for gathering x2 on vehicle x3 x1 is a sail for gathering propelling material x2 on vehicle/motor x3.
famti x1 is an aunt or uncle of x2 by bond x3 x1 is an aunt/uncle of x2 by bond/tie x3; x1 is an associated member of x2's parent's generation.
fancu x1 is a math function from domain x2 to range x3 defined by x4 x1 is a function/single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression/rule x4.
fange x1 is foreign to x2 in property x3 x1 is alien/foreign/[exotic]/unfamiliar to x2 in property x3 (ka).
fanmo x1 is an end of x2 x1 is an end/finish/termination of thing/process x2; [not necessarily implying completeness].
fanri x1 is a factory producing x2 from x3 x1 is a factory/foundry/industrial plant/mill producing x2 from materials x3.
fanta x1 prevents x2 x1 prevents/keeps/stops/restrains/constrains event x2 from occurring.
fanva x1 translates x2 into x3 from x4 with result x5 x1 translates text/utterance x2 to language x3 from language x4 with translation result x5.
fanza x1 annoys x2 x1 (event) annoys/irritates/bothers/distracts x2.
fapro x1 opposes x2 about x3 x1 opposes/balances/contends against opponent(s) x2 (person/force ind./mass) about x3 (abstract).
farlu x1 falls to x2 from x3 in gravity well x4 x1 falls/drops to x2 from x3 in gravity well/frame of reference x4.
farna x1 is the direction of x2 from origin x3 x1 is the direction of x2 (object/event) from origin/in frame of reference x3.
farvi x1 develops into x2 from x3 through stages x4 x1 develops/evolves towards/into x2 from x3 through stages x4.
fasnu x1 happens x1 (event) is an event that happens/occurs/takes place; x1 is an incident/happening/occurrence.
fatci x1 is a fact x1 (du'u) is a fact/reality/truth/actuality, in the absolute.
fatne x1 is in reverse order from x2 x1 [sequence] is in reverse order from x2 [sequence]; x1 (object) is inverted from x2 (object).
fatri x1 is distributed among x2 with shares x3 x1 is distributed/allotted/allocated/shared among x2 with shares/portions x3; (x2/x3 fa'u).
febvi x1 boils at temperature x2 and pressure x3 x1 boils/evaporates at temperature x2 and pressure x3.
femti x1 is 10^-15 of x2 in dimension x3 x1 is 10^-15 of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
fendi x1 divides x2 into x3 by method x4 x1 (agent) divides/partitions/separates x2 into sections/parts/ind. x3 by method/partition x4.
fengu x1 is angry at x2 for x3 x1 is angry/mad at x2 for x3 (action/state/property).
fenki x1 is crazy by standard x2 x1 (action/event) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2.
fenra x1 is a crack in x2 x1 is a crack/fissure/pass/cleft/ravine/chasm/[defect/flaw] [shape/form] in x2.
fenso x1 sews x2 together with tool x3 using filament x4 x1 sews/stitches/sutures materials x2 (ind./set) together with tool(s) x3, using filament x4.
fepni x1 is measured in money subunits as quantity x2 in monetary system x3 x1 is measured in kopeck/cent money-subunits as x2 [quantity], in monetary system x3.
fepri x1 is the lung of x2 x1 is a/the lung [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: breathing/respiratory apparatus/bellows].
ferti x1 is fertile of x2 x1 is fertile/conducive for supporting the growth/development of x2; x1 is fruitful/prolific.
festi x1 is waste from x2 x1(s) is/are waste product(s) [left to waste] by x2 (event/activity).
fetsi x1 is a female of species x2 with female traits x3 x1 is a female/doe of species x2 evidencing feminine trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is feminine.
figre x1 is a fig of strain x2 x1 is a fig [fruit/tree] of species/strain x2.
filso x1 is Palestinian in aspect x2 x1 reflects Palestinian culture/nationality in aspect x2.
finpe x1 is a fish of species x2 x1 is a fish of species x2 [metaphorical extension to sharks, non-fish aquatic vertebrates].
finti x1 invents x2 for purpose x3 from existing ideas x4 x1 invents/creates/composes/authors x2 for function/purpose x3 from existing elements/ideas x4.
flalu x1 is a law specifying x2 for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver x5 x1 is a law specifying x2 (state/event) for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver(s) x5.
flani x1 is a flute x1 is a flute/pipe/fife/recorder [flute-like/air-reed musical instrument].
flecu x1 is a current in x2 flowing towards x3 from x4 x1 is a current/flow/river of/in x2 flowing in direction to/towards x3 from direction/source x4.
fliba x1 fails at doing x2 x1 fails at doing x2 (state/event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2.
flira x1 is the face of x2 x1 is a/the face [head/body-part] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is facial.
foldi x1 is a field of x2 x1 is a field [shape/form] of material x2; x1 is a broad uniform expanse of x2.
fonmo x1 is foam of material x2 with bubbles of x3 x1 is a quantity of foam/froth/suds of material x2, with bubbles/vacuoles of material x3.
fonxa x1 is a phone in network x2 x1 is a telephone transceiver/modem attached to system/network x2.
forca x1 is a fork for x2 with tines x3 on base x4 x1 is a fork/fork-type tool/utensil for purpose x2 with tines/prongs x3 on base/support x4.
fraso x1 is French in aspect x2 x1 reflects French/Gallic culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
frati x1 reacts with x2 to x3 under conditions x4 x1 reacts/responds/answers with action x2 to stimulus x3 under conditions x4; x1 is responsive.
fraxu x1 forgives x2 for x3 x1 forgives x2 for event/state/activity x3.
frica x1 differs from x2 in property x3 x1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike x2 in property/dimension/quantity x3.
friko x1 is African in aspect x2 x1 reflects African culture/nationality/geography in aspect x2.
frili x1 is easy for x2 under conditions x3 x1 (action) is easy/simple/facile for x2 (agent) under conditions x3; x2 does x1 freely/easily.
frinu x1 is a fraction in form: x2 over x3 x1 is a fraction, with numerator x2, denominator x3 (x2/x3).
friti x1 offers x2 to x3 with conditions x4 x1 offers/proffers x2 [offering] to x3 with conditions x4.
frumu x1 frowns x1 frowns/grimaces (facial expression).
fukpi x1 is a copy of x2 in form x3 made by doing x4 x1 is a copy/replica/duplicate/clone of x2 in form/medium x3 made by method x4 (event).
fulta x1 floats in x2 x1 (passive) floats on/in fluid (gas/liquid) x2; x1 is buoyant.
funca x1 is determined by the fortune of x2 x1 (event/property) is determined by the luck/fortune of x2; (note mabla/zabna not implied).
fusra x1 decays with agent x2 x1 rots/decays/ferments with decay/fermentation agent x2; x1 is rotten/decayed/fermented.
fuzme x1 is responsible for x2 to x3 x1 is responsible/accountable for x2 (action/resulting state) to judge/authority x3.