B | C | D | F | G | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | X | Z

vacri x1 is air of planet x2 composed of x3 x1 is a quantity of air/normally-gaseous atmosphere of planet x2, of composition including x3.
vajni x1 is important to x2 because of reason x3 x1 (object/event) is important/significant to x2 (person/event) in aspect/for reason x3 (nu/ka).
valsi x1 is a word meaning x2 in language x3 x1 is a word meaning/causing x2 in language x3; (adjective: x1 is lexical/verbal).
vamji x1 is the worth of x2 to x3 for use x4 x1 (ni) is the equivalent value/worth of x2 [item(s) of value] to x3 for use/appreciation x4.
vamtu x1 vomits x2 x1 vomits/regurgitates x2; x1 throws x2 up; [violent] digestive expulsion.
vanbi x1 is part of context x2 x1 (ind./mass) is part of an environment/surroundings/context/ambience of x2.
vanci x1 is the evening of day x2 at x3 x1 is an evening [from end-of-work until sleep typical for locale] of day x2 at location x3.
vanju x1 contains wine from grapes x2 x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of wine from fruit/grapes x2.
vasru x1 contains x2 x1 contains/holds/encloses/includes contents x2 within; x1 is a vessel containing x2.
vasxu x1 breathes x2 x1 breathes/respires x2 [gas].
vecnu x1 sells x2 to x3 for x4 x1 [seller] sells/vends x2 [goods/service/commodity] to buyer x3 for amount/cost/expense x4.
venfu x1 takes revenge on x2 because x3 by doing x4 x1 takes revenge on/retaliates against x2 (person) for wrong x3 (nu) with vengeance x4 (nu).
vensa x1 is springtime of year x2 at location x3 x1 is spring/springtime [warming season] of year x2 at location x3; (adjective:) x1 is vernal.
verba x1 is a child aged x2 immature in x3 x1 is a child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2, immature by standard x3.
vibna x1 is the vagina of x2 x1 is a/the vagina [body-part] of x2.
vidni x1 is a monitor for x2 x1 is a video monitor/CRT/screen [machine] serving function x2.
vidru x1 as a virus of type x2 capable of infecting x3 x1 is a virus of species/breed/defining property x2 capable of infecting [at] x3.
vifne x1 is fresh (adjective:) x1 is fresh/unspoiled.
vikmi x1 excretes waste x2 from x3 via x4 x1 [body] excretes waste x2 from source x3 via means/route x4.
viknu x1 is viscous under conditions x2 x1 is thick/viscous under conditions x2.
vimcu x1 removes x2 from x3 leaving x4 x1 removes/subtracts/deducts/takes away x2 from x3 with/leaving result/remnant/remainder x4.
vindu x1 is toxic to x2 x1 is poisonous/venomous/toxic/a toxin to x2.
vinji x1 is an aircraft for carrying x2 propelled by x3 x1 is an airplane/aircraft [flying vehicle] for carrying passengers/cargo x2, propelled by x3.
vipsi x1 is a subordinate in aspect x2 to principal x3 x1 is a deputy/vice/subordinate in aspect [or organization principle] x2 (ka) to principal x3.
virnu x1 is brave in activity x2 by standard x3 x1 is brave/valiant/courageous in activity x2 (event) by standard x3.
viska x1 sees x2 under conditions x3 x1 sees/views/perceives visually x2 under conditions x3.
vitci x1 is irregular in aspect x2 x1 is irregular/occasional/intermittent in property/action/aspect x2.
vitke x1 is a guest of x2 at x3 x1 is a guest/visitor of x2 at place/event x3; x1 visits x2/x3.
vitno x1 is permanent in property x2 by standard x3 x1 is permanent/lasting/[eternal] in property x2 (ka) by standard x3 [time-span/expectant one].
vlagi x1 is the vulva of x2 x1 is a/the vulva [body-part] of x2.
vlile x1 is an act of violence x1 is an event/state/act of violence.
vlina x1 is a logical alternation stating that x2 and/or x3 are true x1 is a logical alternation/disjunction, stating that x2 (du'u) and/or x3 (du'u) is/are true.
vlipa x1 has the power to bring about x2 under conditions x3 x1 has the power to bring about x2 under conditions x3; x1 is powerful in aspect x2 under x3.
vofli x1 flies using means x2 x1 flies [in air/atmosphere] using lifting/propulsion means x2.
voksa x1 is the voice of x2 x1 is a voice/speech sound of individual x2.
vorme x1 is a doorway between x2 and x3 in structure x4 x1 is a doorway/gateway/access way between x2 and x3 of structure x4.
vraga x1 is a lever for doing x2 with fulcrum x3 and arm x4 x1 is a lever [tool] [of apparatus] for doing x2 [function/action], with fulcrum x3 and arm x4.
vreji x1 is a record of x2 about x3 in medium x4 x1 is a record of x2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4.
vreta x1 lies on x2 x1 lies/rests/reclines/reposes on x2; x1 is reclining/recumbent/lying on x2.
vrici x1 is miscellaneous in property x2 x1 (set/mass/ind.) is miscellaneous/various/assorted in property x2 (ka).
vrude x1 is virtuous by standard x3 x1 is virtuous/saintly/[fine/moral/nice/holy/morally good] by standard x2.
vrusi x1 is a flavor of x2 x1 (ka) is a taste/flavor of/emitted by x2; x2 tastes of/like x1.
vukro x1 is Ukrainian in aspect x2 x1 reflects Ukrainian language/culture/nationality in aspect x2.