What is a good lujvo meaning "aphorism" or "epigram"?

It should express some of these qualities of an aphorism:

  • it's pretty: in poetic, crafted language
  • it's pointed: it tries to make a point or communicate a lesson or a moral
  • it's brief

Some gismu that I have considered:

  • cusku, darlu,
  • ctuca, ciksi,
  • cmalu,
  • condi, cpina,
  • pemci, sarxe,
  • basna

(This is an experiment: I want to see if the wiki is a good place to have this kind of discussion. I have chosen one, which I'll put here soon enough. I still want to see if anybody has a better idea. mi'e jezrax)

(I have used banzushort for clani banzu selskufor this.)

Experiment failed!

mi jdice di'e

'cpinyctu' - cpina ctuca
x1 "pungently teaches" to x2 info x3 about x4 by method x5

To teach in a striking or vivid way. (No change from the place structure of ctuca.)
We can call this a literal usage if we're willing to say that the x2 of cpina (the sense which detects the pungency) can include the "sense of appropriateness". Otherwise it's a metaphor, but it doesn't seem tricky at all.

'cpinyctusku' - cpinyctu cusku
agent cusku1=ctuca1 teaches by expressing cusku2 to cusku3=ctuca2

x1 tells a fable, proverb, epigram, pointed anecdote, or other "pungent" teaching saying. (Any further places added to the place structure would be easy to get wrong.)

I will write se cpinyctusku for "aphorism". (Also a good start for a bacrynandu.)