

Wiki page BPFK Section: Subordinators changed

Robin Lee Powell scripsit:

> I still don't get the na scope thing. Can someone explain this
> exchange to me in small words?

We are used to the idea that scope reads left to right: that roda su'ode
means "For all X's there is a Y" whereas su'ode roda means "There is a
Y such that for all X's" etc. etc. Allowing na before the selbri to
mean the same as naku (which is the general negator) at the beginning
of the bridi breaks this rule, and leads to errors. It would have been
better to get rid of na and just use naku (which in that case could be
shortened to na, obviously).

Jorge wants to change the rules and treat na and naku as the same.
I agree in principle, but think it's too big a change now.

John Cowan
Big as a house, much bigger than a house, it looked to Sam, a grey-clad
moving hill. Fear and wonder, maybe, enlarged him in the hobbit's eyes,
but the Mumak of Harad was indeed a beast of vast bulk, and the like of him
does not walk now in Middle-earth; his kin that live still in latter days are
but memories of his girth and his majesty. --"Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"