

Magic Words: left-to-right

posts: 1912

> Because BAhE says "The construct behaves just as that word by
> itself.", which implies to me that BAhE is gone for future
> processing.

Right. Yes, I think that's the right interpretation. After all,
the other magic words see a single word, so SA should too.

What do you rules do with {ba'e a bu}, {ba'e a zei da}?
Is it {*a* bu} or {*a bu*}? {*a* zei da} or {*a zei da*}?
Or is it a conflict of fighting over the same word?

> BAhE gets absorbed, UI does not.

Yes, that's a difference. But the reason is the left-to-right
processing. The only way for BAhE to do its thing AND not get
in the way of the word it modifies is by getting absorbed.
UI don't need to get absorbed because by the time they get to
do their thing, the word they modify has already done its own
thing. BAhE is very sui generis in the language.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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