

Re: BPFK Section: gadri

posts: 1912

(Please everybody, use the 'discuss' button and not the
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contents of the page. It makes it easier to reply, thank you.)

> {lo pare sovda cu fepni li 42} to me means that there are 12
> eggs, each of which costs 42 cents. If a dozen eggs costs 42
> cents, I'd say {lo sovda paremei cu fepni li 42} or maybe {loi
> pare sovda cu fepni li 42}.

{pare sovda cu fepni li 42} says that there are 12 eggs, each
of which costs 42 cents. {lo pare sovda} refers to a twelvesome
of eggs. It is like {lo sovda paremei} but without the tanru
imprecision. {loi pare sovda} is indeed equivalent to
{lo pare sovda}.

> {lo'e se} with the word for a kind of organism is a special case
> and should be mentioned. It refers to the taxon containing all
> members of the kind and no others, if that exists. So {lo'e se
> guzme} means the family Cucurbitaceae, while {lo se guzme}
>can be Cucumis, Sicyos, Luffa, or any of several others. {lo'e se
> jesymabru}, however, has no clear meaning, as {jesymabru}
> can refer to both spiny anteaters and hedgehogs.

I have added a comment to that effect. If others have any
objections to this, please speak up now or forever hold your

mu'o mi'e xorxes