Proposed Definitions And Examples
cmavo: ki'e nai (COI*)
Proposed Definition
Vocative. Used to express that an expected help was not received.
See Also
Proposed Keywords
- no thanks to you
Usage Examples
- mi ba'o facki ki'e nai
- I've found it myself, no thanks to you!
Isn't "resentment"/"bitterness" the polar opposite of thanks/gratitude?
cmavo: do'u (DOhU)
Proposed Definition
Terminator for COI and DOI phrases.
See Also
- {doi}
- {be'e}
- {co'o}
- {coi}
- {fe'o}
- {fi'i}
- {je'e}
- {ju'i}
- {ke'o}
- {ki'e}
- {mi'e}
- {mu'o}
- {nu'e}
- {pe'u}
- {re'i}
- {ta'a}
- {vi'o}
Proposed Keywords
- end vocative
- terminator
Usage Examples
- je'e do'u do lumci le denci
- Okay, you're cleansing your teeth.
- coi co'o and doi do'u were removed. No special definition needed.
- nu'e cu'i was changed to "non-promise", becasue "promise realease" didn't seem to fit the scale. To release someone else from a promise one could use perhaps nu'e nai dai?
- Merge COI and DOI post-dotside? — donri
BPFK Poll: Vocatives
BPFK Poll: Vocatives