
This is now of historical interest only, as building commands are
only available in Lojban.


dig '<lang code="en">test</lang><lang code="jbo">cipra</lang>|<lang code="en">untest</lang><lang code="jbo">tolcipra</lang>' to '<lang code="en">English mooix Test Script Room</lang><lang code="jbo">glico cipra bo samtci kumfa pe la mu,iks</lang>'

go test

describe here as "<lang code='en'>A test room; please ignore.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i cipra .i ko ba'e toljundi</lang>"

say "PLEASE bring a Lojban user here now, so both sides of the action can be recorded."


create a mooix:ball called "<lang code='en'>blue ball</lang><lang code='jbo'>blanu bolci</lang>"

describe the blue ball as "<lang code='en'>Very blue.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i mutce blanu</lang>"

teleport the blue ball to here

create a mooix:furniture called "<lang code='en'>wooden table</lang><lang code='jbo'>mudri jubme</lang>"

describe the wooden table as "<lang code='en'>Made of beatiful wood.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i marji lo mebli mudri</lang>"

teleport the wooden table to here

put the blue ball on the wooden table

look at the wooden table

look on the wooden table


get the blue ball which is on top of the wooden table

put the blue ball under the wooden table

look at the wooden table

look under the wooden table

look on the wooden table


get the blue ball which is under the wooden table

put the blue ball on the wooden table

look at the lojban test user

language Lojban for "viska le lojbo cipra pilno"

go untest

say "PLEASE make the Lojban user look around and then also leave.


destroy mooix:portfolio/wooden_table

destroy mooix:portfolio/blue_ball

destroy test

destroy mooix:portfolio/untest

destroy mooix:portfolio/English_mooix_Test_Script_Room

Result As Run On Mon Jan 9 19:54:12 PST 2006

What The English Test User Saw

> languages
The following languages are available: English, and Lojban.
> dig '<lang code="en">test</lang><lang code="jbo">cipra</lang>|<lang code="en">untest</lang><lang code="jbo">tolcipra</lang>' to '<lang code="en">English mooix Test Script Room</lang><lang code="jbo">glico cipra bo samtci kumfa pe la mu,iks</lang>'
Created a new room the English mooix Test Script Room from parent the room.
Added the new exit test with parent exit from here test to the English mooix Test Script Room.
Added the new exit untest with parent exit from the English mooix Test Script Room untest to here.
> go test
You go test.
The English mooix Test Script Room.
A very bland-looking place.
> describe here as "<lang code='en'>A test room; please ignore.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i cipra .i ko ba'e toljundi</lang>"
Description set.
> say "PLEASE bring a Lojban user here now, so both sides of the action can be recorded."
You say, "PLEASE bring a Lojban user here now, so both sides of the action can be recorded."
Lojban Test User arrives.
> create a mooix:ball called "<lang code='en'>blue ball</lang><lang code='jbo'>blanu bolci</lang>"
Object created (the blue ball).
> describe the blue ball as "<lang code='en'>Very blue.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i mutce blanu</lang>"
Description set.
> teleport the blue ball to here
The blue ball disappears.
Blue ball appears.
> create a mooix:furniture called "<lang code='en'>wooden table</lang><lang code='jbo'>mudri jubme</lang>"
Object created (the wooden table).
> describe the wooden table as "<lang code='en'>Made of beatiful wood.</lang><lang code='jbo'>.i marji lo mebli mudri</lang>"
Description set.
> teleport the wooden table to here
The wooden table vanishes.
Wooden table appears.
> put the blue ball on the wooden table
You put the blue ball on the wooden table.
> look at the wooden table
Made of beatiful wood.
On the wooden table you see the blue ball.
> look on the wooden table
Looking on the wooden table, you find the blue ball.
> look
The English mooix Test Script Room.
A test room; please ignore.
You see Lojban Test User, the wooden table, and the blue ball here.
> get the blue ball which is on top of the wooden table
You take the blue ball from the wooden table.
> put the blue ball under the wooden table
You put the blue ball under the wooden table.
> look at the wooden table
Made of beatiful wood.
> look under the wooden table
Poking around under the wooden table you find the blue ball.
> look on the wooden table
Looking on the wooden table, you find nothing.
> look
The English mooix Test Script Room.
A test room; please ignore.
You see Lojban Test User, and the wooden table here.
> get the blue ball which is under the wooden table
You take the blue ball from the wooden table.
> put the blue ball on the wooden table
You put the blue ball on the wooden table.
> look at the lojban test user
A very beautiful person.
It is holding the ball.
> language Lojban for "viska le lojbo cipra pilno"
.i mutce melbi
.i ponse le bolci
> go untest
You go untest.
The Lojban Test Room.
A very bland-looking place. A stone path leads to the east. Tucked away in one corner is an old worn-out bookshelf.
You see the soft bed, the ugly couch, the lights, a grue, Marn, the nice wooden desk, the box, the broken toy duck, xorxes, la tene, the ball, the brown ball, the black ball, the document, the titnanba, clsn, the house that Jack built, the comfy chair, Rizen, The MooAdmin, Eimi, and the atom here.
You arrive.
> say "PLEASE make the Lojban user look around and then also leave.
You say, "PLEASE make the Lojban user look around and then also leave."
Lojban Test User arrives.
> destroy mooix:portfolio/wooden_table
Object destroyed.
> destroy mooix:portfolio/blue_ball
Object destroyed.
> destroy test
Object destroyed.
> destroy mooix:portfolio/untest
Object destroyed.
> destroy mooix:portfolio/English_mooix_Test_Script_Room
Object destroyed.

What The Lojban Test User Saw

.i la cipra pilno cu klama fa'a le cipra
.i gau mi > klama le cipra
.i do cu klama fa'a le cipra
.i do zvati le glico cipra bo samtci kumfa pe la mu,iks
.i cipra .i ko ba'e toljundi
.i la cipra pilno cu zvati
.i do cu to'e cliva
.i le blanu bolci cu canci
.i le blanu bolci cu tolcanci
.i le mudri jubme cu canci
.i le mudri jubme cu tolcanci
.i la cipra pilno cu punji le blanu bolci le sefta be le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno cu lebna le blanu bolci le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno cu punji le blanu bolci le cnita be le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno tungau sisku ni'a le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno cu lebna le blanu bolci le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno cu punji le blanu bolci le sefta be le mudri jubme
.i la cipra pilno cu klama fa'a le tolcipra
.i gau mi > viska
.i do zvati le glico cipra bo samtci kumfa pe la mu,iks
.i cipra .i ko ba'e toljundi
.i le mudri jubme .e le blanu bolci cu zvati
.i gau mi > klama le tolcipra
.i do cu klama fa'a le tolcipra
.i do zvati le lojbo cipra kumfa
.i mutce to'e ka se cinri kei stuzi .i lei rokci cu pluta lo stuna .i nenri pa kojna fa le tolci'o je nu pilno kei se xrani cukta kajna
.i le soft bed .e le ugly couch .e le lights .e le cridrgru .e la marn. .e le melbi mudri jubme .e le tanxe .e le broken minji datka .e la xorxes .e la tenes .e le bolci .e le bunre bolci .e le xekri bolci .e le .imsara .e le titnanba .e la clsn .e le dinju poi la djak. pu zbasu .e le comfy chair .e la bancus .e la nolraitru .e la binxo .e le ratni .e la cipra pilno cu zvati
.i do cu to'e cliva
.i gau mi >