When worrying about whether or not a word is legal, please recall that all brivla must be stressed on the second to last syllable.
"nice fu'ivla forms" are those forms that don't contain VVV, CC/C or CCCC groups, which can never appear in lujvo, and start with one or two consonants. These nice forms are the ones that sit most comfortably among native Lojban forms.
4-letter fu'ivla
- VCCV iglu alga (in all cases where CC is allowed non-initially, C/C is also allowed. Those are not listed separately.
5-letter fu'ivla
- CCVVV praia
- CCCVV spra'i (VV can't be a diphthong)
- VCCVV ostoi
- VCCCV astro
- VVCCV uiski
Notably, CCVCV and CVCCV aren't present in the above list, as those are the forms used by gismu.
6-letter fu'ivla
- CVVC/CV ma'agni
- CVCC/CV saprka
- CCVVVV brai'oi
- CCVVCV tce'exo
- CCCVVV stroia
- CCCCVV tsmla'i (VV can't be a diphthong) (camxes won't like this form because of the initial cluster)
- VC/CVVV iksoia
- VC/CVCV odbenu
- VCCCVV astroi (VV must be a diphthong)
- VC/CCVV aksroi
- VCC/CVV asrkoi
- VCCCCV astrgo
- VVCCVV iandau
- VVCCCV iastro
- VVVCCV uaisto
7-letter fu'ivla
- CVVVCCV sa'aispa
- CVVCCVV saispai (the second C can't be 'r' or 'nr')
- CVVCCCV saispra (the second C can't be 'r' or 'nr')
- CVC/CVVV sarpaia
- CVC/CVCV sarpasa
- CVCCCVV sasprai (VV must be a diphthong)
- CVC/CCVV sarprai
- CVCC/CVV sabrpai
- CVCCCCV satspra
- CCVVVVV spaiaia
- CCVVVCV spaiapa
- CCVVC/CV spaipsa
- CCVCVVV spapaia
- CCVCVCV spapapa
- CCVCC/CV spaprka
- CCCVVVV spraiai
- CCCVVCV spraika
- CCCVC/CV jglandi
- CCCCVVV tsmlaia (dubious initial cluster)
- CCCCVCV tsmlatu (dubious initial cluster)
- CCCCCVV stsmla'u (stsml? Is that legal?)Why not? (dubious initial cluster)
- VC/CVVVV apsaiai
- VC/CVCVV apsapai (what! no spapai above to make this a+spapai???)spapai is lujvo
- VC/CVVCV apsaipa
- VC/CVCCV apsaspa
- VCCVC/CV aspapsa
- VC/CCVVV arpraia
- VCC/CVVV asrkaia
- VCCCVCV eskrima (why not skrima in the 6s?)skrima fails slinku'i test
- VCCCCVV asrstai
- VCCCCCV asprkra
- VVCCCCV aitsmla
- VVC/CCVV ainstai
- VVCC/CVV aisrpai
- VVC/CVCV airpasa
- VVC/CVVV airpaia
- VVVCCCV uaispra
- VVVCCVV uaispai