This page is part of the phrasebook.
- Where is a doctor?
- le mikce cu zvati ma (seems kind of formal. Maybe for quick questions, just mikce vi ma? and so on for others here)
- Where is a hospital?
- le spita cu zvati ma
- Where is a nearby pharmacy?
- le vi zarci be le velmicyxu'i cu zvati ma
- It hurts here
- cortu ti
- My head is too hot.
- le stedu be mi cu kelvo du'eda
- I am sick
- mi bilma
- I have a stomach ache
- mi cortu le betfu
- Do I need doctor's permission to use this medicine?
- xu mi nitcu le nu le mikce ku curmi kei le nu mi pilno le velmicyxu'i
- I have a cold.
- mi vaxybi'a
- Take this three times a day for the next two weeks.
- ko cimoi citka/pinxa/je'erse'a ti di'i lo djedi ca'o lo ze'aba jeftu be li re
Medicines and Nutrients
- aspirin
- slamrsalike
- antibiotic
- (ledyselkra) jumcatra
- herb
- velmicyspa
- pau d'arco / lapacho / taheebo (the inner barks of various trees)
- ricrtabebu'i
- protein
- lanbi
- carbohydrate
- satleixu'i
- starch
- jalna
- fat
- grasu
- unsaturated fatty acid
- dronalclu rasyslami
- saturated fatty acid
- droclu rasyslami
- vitamin A
- abumoi mivytcuxu'i
- vitamin B3
- by.cimoi mivytcuxu'i / xumrniacine
- vitamin C
- mivytcuxu'i / slamrskorbuti