ramcitri xici
ko'a goi so'e cpare na'o cuxne le frili pluta (Most climbers take the
easy route,) .imu'inaibo lu le dargu pe lo xamgu bangu cu kargu li'u
ka'u (butas we know"The road of the good language is costly.") .i
li'a le frili pluta co'u ranji gi'enai tcena le cmana jipno (And in fact
the easy route ends before it reaches the top of the mountain,) .ije
go'i ja'e lenu ko'a za'o litru lo cuksmi (but in such a way that the
traveller keeps going in circles) .ije ko'a co'anai djuno la'edi'u (&
doesn't realize it.) .i ku'i ma'a na'o jifsruma ledu'u le broda cei
pupyjmina be lo cpare cabra be'o ku mintu le ba'e zumcpare (We, on the
other hand, mistake putting on climbing gear for the activity of
climbing itself;) .i ba le mo'u broda ku ku su'a krici ledu'u ma'a ca
klama vuga'u le cmana salpo (& having completed that task, tend to
believe we are already far up the side of the mountain.)
Question - are the cliffs that the Esperantists are trying to climb also part of the Lojbandia mountains?
(For non-oldtimers, this is a reference to older metaphorical story about
Lojban and other artificial languages, with each group of language
supporters trying to scale their own cliffs. Esperantists were scaling one
cliff. Lojbanists were, if I recall, scaling our cliff by building a pile
of sand which of course had all the stability of a big pile of sand (this
was pre baseline). We were working in our own sandpit because JCB (The
'First Digger') wouldn't let us play in his sandbox, etc. etc. We need to
dig this out again - a new generation of Lojbanists are clearly ready to
join the diggers!)
The relevant email correspondence was published in Ju'i Lobypli,
issue 16 or 17 or thereabouts.
This is the Jimbob Mythos.