Minutes of the 1993 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.
The fifth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called to order on July 11, 1993 at 11:38 AM EDT.
Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:
- Jorge Llambias *
- Paul Francis O'Sullivan
("*" marks those voted in as members during the meeting)
Other: Veijo Vilva, not in attendance, became a new member during this meeting.
Roll call was taken of the members.
Members attending (9) were:
- Athelstan
- John Cowan
- John Hodges
- Nora LeChevalier
- Robert (Bob) LeChevalier
- Sylvia Rutiser
- David Young
- Tommy Whitlock
- Art Wieners
Members "present" (3) by proxy:
- Guy Garnett proxy to Nora LeChevalier
- Karen Stein proxy to Nora LeChevalier
- David Twery proxy to Nora LeChevalier
Members not in attendance (3) were:
- John Parks-Clifford
- Nick Nicholas
- Colin Fine
MOVED: To waive notice of meeting in favor of quorum. - PASSED.
Notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer had not been given in advance of meeting date (per Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws). However, a quorum is present; so, by Article 3, Section 6 of the Bylaws, a meeting may be held.
Reading of the Minutes:
- MOVED: To waive reading of minutes. - PASSED.
Report of officers - President:
- Language status: Bob worked on the dictionary (in the last couple of weeks), as directed last year. Other works in progress include: tools, by John Cowan; processing lujvo work, by Nick Nicholas, and English keywords for places, by Nora.
- JL: We have enough people for 2nd class postage, but we must put out an issue every 3 months ON TIME to qualify; this would decrease our postage costs from about $1.90 to $.20. JL is suspended until dictionary work done (estimate September).
- Mastercard/Visa: No solution to the $25 monthly charge, but we have enough foreign payments to justify keeping the capability; we may consider switching banks.
- Technical Issues: To be kept out of the formal meeting.
- Other books: Textbooks - John Cowan doing a draft revision of the draft textbook. Reference Grammar (John Cowan's papers) - 7 done, 3 need revision, 4 to 5 not started. Introductory package - Revision of Athelstan's mini-lesson needed; John Hodges volunteers to finish.
Finance Committee: Need new committee for who to support with extra money. We have $10 from subscription fund for volunteers, and $0 profits, making a total of $10 available.
Consideration of new members:
- Jorge Llambias proposed for membership. - PASSED.
- Veijo Vilva proposed for membership. - PASSED.
Election of Board of Directors:
- MOVED: Tommy Whitlock be appointed to Board of Directors. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To elect also to the Board of directors the current members of the Board (Bob LeChevalier, Nora LeChevalier, John Cowan and John Parks-Clifford). - PASSED.
Old/Unfinished Business:
Last meeting it was passed that we were to vote on a bylaw amendment:
- MOVED: To adopt a Bylaw amendment (adding to Section 10, Article 3) that "Any person may read or have read and incorporated into the minutes of the Members' Meeting any statement germane to the purposes of the Logical Language Group, Inc., subject to the discretion of the chair. - PASSED.
New Business:
Proposal of bylaw amendment for voting next year: to change "reference to Roberts rules of order" to use different rule set (to be determined).
- MOVED: To refer the issue to a committee to determine which rule set
to be proposed. - PASSED.
Chairman directed that the committee will report no later than March 1 of next year (1994).
Discussion on which cultural gismu we should have:
- MOVED: To get cultural gismu for all our defined criteria even if we don't have them now. - WITHDRAWN.
Withdrawn after further discussion, including discussion of an amendment to appoint a committee to report on setting standards and determining numbers.
- MOVED: A vote of thanks to the officers of LLG for sterling efforts in the past year. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To adjourn meeting. - PASSED.
The fifth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was adjourned at approximately 1:25 PM EDT.
I certify that the above motions were presented to all members present for discussion and approval, and that all motions were approved as noted. I further certify that these minutes are an accurate representation of the fifth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.
Nora LeChevalier