• Chapter 12
    • In the answers to exercise 2, the IPA transcription for <le barja> is given with as [le 'barZa] (where Z=script z), but the preferred pronunciation according to The Book is [lE 'barZa] (where E=epsilon). ([e] is allowed, but not model)
    • In exercise 4, "adagio" is fu'ivla'd as "zgikrnadadjio or zgikrxadadjio". However, dictionaries I've checked indicate that both -djio and -djo pronunciations are acceptable in English, and I believe the Italian pronunciation is also "-djo".
    • Exercise 4.5: bilmj > bilma
    • In ex 6 #6, ".uu mi ji'a go'i" is translated as "Unfortunately, so can I." This seems to be a grave misuse of ".uu"; perhaps ".uinai" or ".oi" would be more appropriate if the latter meaning was intended rather than "aww, you poor thing! I can hear you too".
      • Consider se'i
        • That should work nice. Of course, se'i isn't introduced until the next chapter.
    • Equalities/4th paragraph: "I am Robin (or Nick)." should be "I am Nick (or Robin)." to match the previous "mi du la nik. (or mi du la robin.)" — mi'e .iens.