
In an attempt to ease the teaching of lojban to Children, I am working on a series of files, with an emphasis on simple *.pdf's at this point, for Parents/Guardians/Other Educators to fatri le verba.

(Editorial question: what would be the lojban analogue of 'spanglish'? In other words, what would accurately describe My penchant at this point of My lojban training for mixing lojban and english? Perhaps 'lojban glibau'? Whatever the term, .a'o rodo curmi le mi tcaci)

Why review sheets for le verba? mi puzi cfagau le nu mi ctuca le mi verba fo la lojban. To help Those wishing to do the same, I attach the simple files with, hopefully, more to come:

  1. le ba'urtadji po le lojbo lerfu.pdf
  2. le lojbo selyle'u.pdf

Comments and suggestions are always welcome — winkerbean (xuinkrbin.)