- Network
- seltcana — network in the most general possible sense; a collection of nodes.
- samseltcana-- computer network.
- Session
- Text, Document
- Content (text, images, sound)
- selsku — anything expressed; seems to work only for things that carry meaning?
- Media/medium, information channel (anything that conveys information)
- velsku — a medium of expression
- xelcku — the medium of a document or book
- samymri — email
- se samymri — email message
- Software
- Web Page
- mutpapri — web page in general
- joncku — a presented hypertext document
- Hypertext
- se joncku — a document with links
- Hyperlink
- Web Site
- World Wide Web
- Webring
- 'balcukta clupa' Webring (mutce zmanei zo clupa zo cukla) (la'acu'i zo linsi mapti ji'a) .i ku'i ma se linsi i lei stuzi poi jonsi'u cu se linsi
- These wiki pages seem to use skamrxuebe cukla (see the bottom of any page)... and the links are wrong, too: webring no longer belongs to Yahoo!. --pne
- Troll