A CVV-final-rafsi consists of a consonant, a stressed-vowel, an h and a final-syllable vowel (CVhV).
A short-final-rafsi is a final-syllable consisting of a consonant and a diphthong (CVV), or an initial-pair and a vowel (CCV).
An initial-rafsi is an extended-rafsi, a y-rafsi, or a y-less-rafsi not the beginning of any-extended-rafsi.
A stressed-initial-rafsi is a stressed-extended-rafsi, a stressed-y-rafsi, or a stressed-y-less-rafsi.
A y-rafsi is a CCVCy, CVCCy or CVCy form with an unstressed-vowel, possibly followed by an h (in case a nucleus-initial extended-rafsi follows).
A stressed-y-rafsi is a CCVCy, CVCCy or CVCy form with a stressed-vowel. In this case an h can never follow because there are no single-syllable extended-rafsi that could come after it.
A y-less-rafsi is a CVC, CCV or CVV form rafsi with unstressed-vowels such that they are not the beginning of a y-rafsi and such that they are not followed by any-extended-rafsi.
A stressed-y-less-rafsi is a CVC, CCV or CVV form rafsi with final stressed-vowels such that they are not the beginning of a stressed-y-rafsi.
A stressed or unstressed CVV form rafsi include a possible r-hyphen at the end.
An r-hyphen is an 'r' if what follows is a consonant and an 'n' if what follows is an 'r'.