bridi-tail = bridi-tail-1 [gihek [[stag] KE # bridi-tail /KEhE#/ tail-terms]
bridi-tail-1 = bridi-tail-2 [gihek # bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] ...
bridi-tail-2 = bridi-tail-3 [gihek [[stag] BO # bridi-tail-2 tail-terms]

bridi-tail-3 = selbri tail-terms | gek-sentence
gek-sentence = gek subsentence gik subsentence tail-terms
| [tag] KE # gek-sentence /KEhE#/
| NA # gek-sentence

Working from the innermost bridi-tail-2:

bridi-tail-3 [gihek [[stag] BO # bridi-tail-3 tail-terms]: reduces to "gek bridi-tail-3 gik bridi-tail-3 tail-terms"

  • Note: When stag is present, the same problem arises as noted in the reduction from statement to subsentence.

Once all bridi-tail-2 have been reduced to bridi-tail-3, we reduce every bridi-tail-1:

bridi-tail-3 [gihek # bridi-tail-3 tail-terms]: reduces to "gek bridi-tail-3 gik bridi-tail-3 tail-terms"

Once all bridi-tail-1 have been reduced to bridi-tail-3, we reduce every bridi-tail working from the innermost:

bridi-tail-3 [gihek [[stag] KE # bridi-tail-3 /KEhE#/ tail-terms]: reduces to "gek bridi-tail-3 gik bridi-tail-3 tail-terms"

  • Note: When stag is present, the same problem arises as noted in the reduction from statement to subsentence.