subsentence = sentence | prenex subsentence
prenex = terms ZOhU #
sentence = [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail
bridi-tail = selbri tail-terms | gek-sentence
gek-sentence = gek subsentence gik subsentence tail-terms
| [tag] KE # gek-sentence /KEhE#/
| NA # gek-sentence
tail-terms = [terms] /VAU#/
terms = term ...
term = [FA] sumti
| tag (sumti | /KU#/)
| NA KU #
| NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/
sumti = [quantifier] KOhA xi number [relative-clauses]
| gek sumti gik sumti
selbri = [tag] selbri-1
selbri-1 = selbri-6 | NA # selbri
For each sentence, while there are terms in front of the selbri, starting from the first term, we export them to the prenex as follows.
If the term is of type "[FA] [quantifier] KOhA":
[FA] [quantifier] KOhA xi number [relative-clauses] [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail: is reduced to "[quantifier] KOhA xi number [relative-clauses] zo'u [FA] KOhA [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail" which is a subsentence (prenex sentence)
If the term is of type "tag ([quantifier] KOhA | /KU#/) | NA KU #" it is exported directly to the prenex:
(tag ([quantifier] KOhA| /KU#/) | NA KU) [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail: is reduced to "(tag ([quantifier] KOhA| /KU#/) | NA KU) zo'u [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail" which is a subsentence (prenex sentence)
If the term is of type "([FA] | tag) gek sumti gik sumti", with logical gek:
([FA] | tag) gek sumti gik sumti [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail: is reduced to [tag zo'u] gek sumti [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail gik sumti [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail which is a subsentence ([prenex] sentence)
Note: In the above rule, [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail appears unchanged in the first connectand. In the second connectand, everything is copied unchanged except for unquantified KOhA terms, which move to the second connectand as [ FA | tag ] KOhA xi number, dropping any relative clauses. Quantified terms may be copied unchanged, but the variable may be changed to a new one for clarity.
If the term is of type NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/:
NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/ [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail: is reduced to gek terms [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail gik terms [[terms [[CU #]] bridi-tail which is a subsentence ([prenex] sentence)
The same caveat as in the previous case applies.