B | C | D | F | G | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | X | Z

jabre x1 brakes x2 with mechanism x3 x1 brakes/causes to slow motion/activity x2 with device/mechanism/principle x3.
jadni x1 adorns x2 x1 (object) adorns/decorates x2; x1 is an adornment/decoration of x2; x2 is fancy/decorated.
jakne x1 is a rocket propelled by x2 carrying x3 x1 is a rocket [vehicle] propelled by jet expelling x2 carrying payload x3.
jalge x1 is the result of x2 x1 (action/event/state) is a result/outcome/conclusion of antecedent x2 (event/state/process).
jalna x1 is starch from source x2 of composition x3 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of starch from source x2 of composition including x3.
jalra x1 is a cockroach of species x2 x1 is a cockroach/[orthopteran/termite] of order/species/breed x2.
jamfu x1 is a foot of x2 x1 is a/the foot [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: lowest portion] (adjective:) x1 is pedal.
jamna x1 wars against x2 over x3 x1 (person/mass) wars against x2 over territory/matter x3; x1 is at war with x2.
janbe x1 is a bell producing sound x2 x1 is a bell/chime/[tuning fork] [tuned percussion instrument] producing sound/note x2.
janco x1 is the joint attaching limb x2 to x3 x1 is a/the shoulder/hip/joint [body-part] attaching limb/extremity x2 to body x3.
janli x1 collides with x2 x1 collides with/crashes/bumps/runs into x2.
jansu x1 is a diplomat representing x2 in negotiation x3 for purpose x4 x1 is a diplomat/consul representing polity x2 in/at negotiation x3 for function/purpose x4.
janta x1 is a bill for x2 billed to x3 by x4 x1 is an account/bill/invoice for goods/services x2, billed to x3 by x4.
jarbu x1 is a suburban area of x2 x1 is a suburban area of city/metropolis x2.
jarco x1 demonstrates x2 to x3 x1 (agent) shows/exhibits/displays/[reveals]/demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3.
jarki x1 is narrow in dimension x2 by standard x3 x1 is narrow in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3.
jaspu x1 is a passport issued to x2 by x3 allowing x4 x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity).
jatna x1 is a leader of x2 x1 is captain/commander/leader/in-charge/boss of vehicle/domain x2.
javni x1 is a rule mandating x2 within system x3 x1 is a rule prescribing/mandating/requiring x2 (event/state) within system/community x3.
jbama x1 is a bomb with principle x2 x1 is a bomb/explosive device with explosive material/principle x2.
jbari x1 is a berry of plant x2 x1 is a berry (fruit/plant) of plant/species x2.
jbena x1 is born to parents x2 at time x3 and place x4 x1 is born to x2 at time x3 [birthday] and place x4 [birthplace]; x1 is native to (fo) x4.
jbera x1 borrows x2 from x3 for interval x4 x1 (agent) borrows/temporarily takes/assumes x2 (object) from source x3 for interval x4.
jbini x1 is between x2 in property x3 x1 is between/among set of points/bounds/limits x2 (set)/amidst mass x2 in property x3 (ka).
jdari x1 is firm to force x2 under conditions x3 x1 is firm/hard/resistant/unyielding to force x2 under conditions x3.
jdice x1 makes decision x2 about x3 x1 (person) decides/makes decision x2 (du'u) about matter x3 (event/state).
jdika x1 decreases in x2 by amount x3 x1 (experiencer) decreases/contracts/is reduced/diminished in property/quantity x2 by amount x3.
jdima x1 is the price of x2 to x3 set by x4 x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser/consumer x3 set by vendor x4.
jdini x1 is money issued by x2 x1 is money/currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial/monetary/pecuniary/fiscal.
jduli x1 is jelly of material x2 x1 is a quantity of jelly/semisolid [texture] of material/composition including x2.
jecta x1 is a polity governing x2 x1 is a polity/state governing territory/domain x2; [government/territory relationship].
jeftu x1 is x2 weeks long by standard x3 x1 is x2 weeks in duration (default is 1 week) by standard x3.
jegvo x1 is Judeo-Christian-Moslem in aspect x2 x1 pertains to the common Judeo-Christian-Moslem culture/religion/nationality in aspect x2.
jelca x1 burns at temperature x2 in atmosphere x3 x1 burns/[ignites/is flammable/inflammable] at temperature x2 in atmosphere x3.
jemna x1 is a gem of type x2 and material x3 x1 is a gem/polished stone/pearl of type x2 from gemstone/material/source x3.
jenca x1 shocks x2 x1 (event) shocks/stuns x2.
jendu x1 is an axle on which x2 rotates of material x3 x1 is an axle/spindle [tool] on which x2 rotates, of material/properties x3.
jenmi x1 is an army serving x2 in function x3 x1 (mass) is an army serving group/community x2 (mass) in function x3 (activity).
jerna x1 earns pay x2 for work x3 x1 (agent/person) earns/[deserves/merits] wages/salary/pay x2 for work/service x3 (activity).
jersi x1 chases x2 x1 chases/pursues/(physically) follows after x2; volition is not implied for x1 or x2.
jerxo x1 is Algerian in aspect x2 x1 reflects Algerian culture/nationality in aspect x2.
jesni x1 is a needle of material x2 x1 is a needle [pointed shape/form, not tool] of material x2.
jetce x1 is a jet of material x2 expelled from x3 x1 is a jet [expelled stream] of material x2 expelled from x3.
jetnu x1 is true by standard x2 x1 (du'u) is true/truth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2.
jgalu x1 is a claw of x2 x1 is a/the claw/nail/talon [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed, penetrating, physical weapon].
jganu x1 is an angle from vertex x2 subtended by lateral x3 x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3.
jgari x1 holds x2 using x3 at locus x4 x1 grasps/holds/clutches/seizes/grips/[hugs] x2 with x3 (part of x1) at locus x4 (part of x2).
jgena x1 is a knot in x2 x1 is a knot/tangle in/between x2 (object/jo'u-objects).
jgina x1 is a gene of x2 determining x3 x1 is a gene of creature [or locus on creature] x2 determining trait/process x3.
jgira x1 feels pride in x2 x1 (person) feels/has pride in/about x2 (abstraction).
jgita x1 is a stringed musical instrument with actuator x2 x1 is guitar/violin/fiddle/harp [stringed musical instrument] with actuator/plectrum/bow x2.
jibni x1 is near x2 in property x3 x1 is near/close to/approximates x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni).
jibri x1 is a job of person x2 x1 is a job/occupation/employment/vocation (a type of work regularly done for pay) of person x2.
jicla x1 stirs fluid x2 x1 (object, or event: force) stirs/mixes/[roils/agitates] fluid (gas/liquid) x2.
jicmu x1 is a basis of x2 x1 is a basis/foundation/underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2.
jijnu x1 intuits x2 about subject x3 x1 (person) intuits x2 (du'u) about subject x3; [epistemology].
jikca x1 interacts socially with x2 x1 interacts/behaves socially with x2; x1 socializes with/is sociable towards x2.
jikru x1 is liquor distilled from x2 x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of liquor/spirits distilled from x2.
jilka x1 is alkali of composition x2 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alkali/base of composition including x2.
jilra x1 is jealous of x2 about x3 x1 (person) is jealous of/envies x2 (person) about/for x3 (property - ka).
jimca x1 is a branch of x2 x1 is a branch/bough/limb of x2; x2 forks into branches x1; [preferred over metaphorical birka].
jimpe x1 understands x2 about x3 x1 understands/comprehends fact/truth x2 (du'u) about subject x3; x1 understands (fi) x3.
jimte x1 is a limit of x2 in property x3 x1 is a limit/extreme/bound/border/[confinement] of x2 in property/domain x3.
jinci x1 are scissors for cutting x2 x1 is a pair of shears/scissors for cutting x2.
jinga x1 wins x2 from x3 in competition x4 x1 (person/team) wins/gains prize x2 from/over x3 [competitors/losers] in competition x4.
jinku x1 is a vaccine protecting x2 against x3 introduced by method x4 x1 is a vaccine/immune-system stimulant protecting x2 against disease x3 introduced by method x4.
jinme x1 is metal of composition x2 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of made of metal of composition including x2.
jinru x1 is immersed in liquid x2 x1 (object/person) is immersed/submerged/bathes in liquid x2.
jinsa x1 is clean of material x2 by standard x3 x1 (object) is clean/pure of material/contaminant/dirt x2 by standard x3.
jinto x1 is a well of fluid x2 at location x3 x1 is a well/spring of fluid x2 at location x3.
jinvi x1 thinks that x2 is true about x3 because x4 x1 thinks/opines x2 [opinion] (du'u) is true about subject/issue x3 on grounds x4.
jinzi x1 is a natural property of x2 x1 (property - ka) is an innate/inherent/intrinsic/natural property/quality/aspect of x2.
jipci x1 is a chicken of species x2 x1 is a chicken/[hen/cock/rooster]/small fowl [a type of bird] of species/breed x2.
jipno x1 is an end of object x2 at locus x3 x1 is a tip/point/vertex/extremity/end [0-dimension shape/form] on object x2 at locus x3.
jirna x1 is a horn of x2 x1 is a/the horn [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed extremity].
jisra x1 is juice from x2 x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of juice/nectar from-source/of-type x2.
jitfa x1 is false by standard x2 x1 (du'u) is false/is an untruth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2.
jitro x1 has control over x2 in x3 x1 has control over/harnesses/manages/directs/conducts x2 in x3 (activity/event/performance).
jivbu x1 weaves x2 from material x3 x1 weaves x2 from material/[yarn] x3.
jivna x1 competes with x2 in contest x3 for gain x4 x1 competes/vies with opponent x2 in contest/competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2.
jmaji x1 gathers at location x2 from locations x3 x1 (mass/jo'u) gathers/collects at location x2 from locations x3 (mass/jo'u).
jmifa x1 is a reef of material x2 in body of water x3 x1 is a shoal [shallow hazard]/reef of material x2 in body of water x3.
jmina x1 adds x2 to x3 with result x4 x1 adds/combines x2 to/with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by amount x3.
jmive x1 is alive by standard x2 x1 lives/is alive by standard x2; x1 is an organism/living thing.
jordo x1 is Jordanian in aspect x2 x1 reflects Jordanian culture/nationality in aspect x2.
jorne x1 is joined to x2 at x3 x1 is joined to/connects to/is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union.
jubme x1 is a table made of x2 with legs x3 x1 is a table/flat solid upper surface of material x2, supported by legs/base/pedestal x3.
judri x1 is an address of x2 in system x3 x1 is an address of/are coordinates of x2 in system x3.
jufra x1 is a sentence about x2 in language x3 x1 (text) is a sentence/statement about x2 [topic/subject/predicate/focus] in language x3.
jukni x1 is a spider of species x2 x1 is a spider/arachnid/[crustacean/crab/lobster/non-insect arthropod] of species/breed x2.
jukpa x1 prepares food x2 by recipe x3 x1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe/method x3 (process).
julne x1 is a filter allowing passage of x2 and prohibiting passage of x3 with netting properties x4 x1 is a net/filter allowing passage of x2, prohibiting passage of x3, netting properties x4.
jundi x1 pays attention to x2 x1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair x2.
jungo x1 is Chinese in aspect x2 x1 reflects Chinese [Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu, etc.] culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
junla x1 is a clock measuring time units x2 to precision x3 with method x4 x1 is clock/watch/timer measuring time units x2 to precision x3 with timing mechanism/method x4.
junri x1 is serious about x2 x1 (person) is serious/earnest/has gravity about x2 (event/state/activity).
junta x1 is the weight of x2 in field x3 x1 is the weight of object x2 in [gravitational or other force] field x3.
jurme x1 is a germ of species x2 x1 is a bacteria/germ/microbe/protozoan/amoeba [1-celled life] of species/defining property x2.
jursa x1 is severe to x2 x1 (event/action/state) is severe/harsh to x2 [victim/experiencer].
jutsi x1 is a species of genus x2 and family x3 and so on... x1 is a species of genus x2, family x3, etc.; [open-ended tree-structure categorization].
juxre x1 is clumsy by standard x2 x1 (action) is clumsy/awkward by standard x2.
jvinu x1 is a view of x2 from point of view x3 x1 is the view/scene/panorama/sight/prospect of x2 (object/location) from point-of-view x3.