Some cultures/countries/races/whatever have "cultural gismu", but most do not. These gismu are annoying for two reasons: it creates the perception that jbopre are biased towards these, and the words themselves are awfully vague.

For example, take glico: x1 is English/pertains to English-speaking culture in aspect x2.

If I were to say {mi glico}, am I saying that I'm a citizen of England, or that I speak English, or that I'm a descendant of English people that lives somewhere else (like France, say), or something else entirely? While you could argue that that's what the x2 place is for, it's really a rather backwards way of doing things.

Each of the cultural gismu has one or more of the following concepts included in the definition; language, community, religion, culture, country, and territory. That's precisely six things. There are so many different kinds of these things that it's rather pointless to attempt to count them. Would it not make more sense, then, to have the "aspect" be the predicate, and the specific what-have-you that "aspect" is of be the x2 place? I therefore present the following lujvo, intended to completely replace the cultural gismu and allow any country etc. to be represented in equally easy fashion.

Some examples:

  • "I am an Englishman" : {mi selgu'era'a lo glico} (Using England's cultural gismu.)
  • "I am a Bosnian" : {mi selgu'era'a la.bosnan.} (Using a name since Bosnia has no gismu/lujvo/fu'ivla.)

  • "I am Christian" : {mi jdara'a lo xriso} (Using Christianity's cutural gismu.)
  • "I am Wiccan" : {mi jdara'a la.uikan.} (Using a name because Wicca has no gismu/lujvo/fu'ivla.)


  • s1 pertains to language of s2=b2


  • s1 pertains to community s2=c2


  • s1 pertains to religion of s2=l2


  • s1 pertains to culture of s2=k2


  • s1=sg1 pertains to country s2=sg2


  • s1 pertains to territory of s2=t2