A software package by Richard Curnow which parses and glosses Lojban text into English. It has often been characterised as "the de facto standard glosser and parser for lojban".
jbofi'e is unmaintained. The current version is part of the Lojban project at github.
The author's page is still available, and other than the README in the github repository, contains the most up-to-date information.
There is a web copy of an unkown cvs repository which appears to contain newer versions, but gives no hint as to how a complete package could be obtainable, either as a package or from a real cvs repository.
- jbofihe is available for the 本NanoNote, and as a consequence is available for OpenWRT. That package is maintained by .alyn.post..
- jbofihe is available as a Debian package, maintained by Theodore Reed.
An online version remains available for the time being.
Additional Features
In addition to the parser/glosser, jbofihe used to provide utilities for the classification of words, and the construction of lujvo.
The name arose due to a lack of creativity on my part when I made the first release. I just took the name Babelfish (the famous translation engine
on Altavista) and adapted it a bit to give Lojbanic fish. So originally I guess it links back to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, but with rather a lot of obscure adaption. mi'e ritcrd.