jbojbe Lojban-born
These are by Pierre Abbat:
- bluble: anemic
- blablu: venous blood
- brabru: broom
- brobri: clause in Hebrew
- ckacke: ashamed of bed
- ckicke: ashamed to explain
- ckicku: a book of explanations
- cliclu: full of learning
- cmicme: name used by a member (mu'a zo .eksetor. cmicme la djeimyz. bardin. la cnici be la natmi)
- cnucna: manual shovel
- cnocni: deeply emotional
- cnecni: varyingly emotional
- cpacpe: to request someone to get
- cracro: to hurt in front
- ctecti: eating at night
- djadji: want food
- djudji: want to help
- djedja: the food one eats in a day
- dzidzu: one who walks low
- flufle: to float downstream
- flufli: to fail to float
- flofla: law governing fields
- frufra: to react by frowning
- glegla: "steamy"
- jbijbu: nearby table
- jbojbe: native of Lojbanistan
- jdajdi: to decide on a religion
- jvijva: the rules of the game
- kloklu: local culture
- krukro: bent in a curve
- krekra: hair follicle
- mlemlu: seem beautiful
- mrumro: dead of a hammer injury
- pleplo: origami
- propri: the opposition press
- skaske: the science of color
- skiske: descriptive science
- skoske: chordology
- slusli: muscular tremor
- smusmi: similar in meaning
- snesnu: discuss dreams
- snesni: symbols in dreams
- spaspo: to destroy plants
- spaspe: graft two plants together
- srusri: enclosing ribbon
- stasto: remain constant
- stusta: remain at a site
- tcetcu: very needy
- tcotca: South American city
- tratri: behave attractively
- trutro: to govern and control
- tsatsu: strong and thick
- vrovra: lever that opens a door
- xrixre: wheat mixture
- zgizga: listen to music
- zmizma: more automatic
Since there are a finite number of vlivla, and it would not be difficult to write a computer program to generate a complete list, I feel that the real art of vlivla (as with lujyjvo) is using them, not making them. - kreig.daniyl.