Forum: WikiDiscuss

email conventions

posts: 2388

A>The program appears to be Yahoo Mail and that does not appear to be an adaptation of any other mail program. It also does not appear to have within itself any way to change the quoting convention.
B> Yes
C>because then they get included in the quotes (i.e., have a solid bar running along their left side.
D> It is not clear to me why complaints and accurate comments about your systems are interdicted while your comments about others are not. You insult a reasonably good program and insist on the superiority of an inferior one (somewhere there is a RAND study on how quotes ought to be done) and then get all het up about it if I suggest that I am disinclined to agree with yourt assessment. I am not overjoyed with the system I have but it is what I have and I am stuck with it for now. I have offered several ways to improve it — from your point of view — but these have been rejected. So I offerred an alternate solution, as reasonable as yours in the context.
E> Same back atcha, fella. I have never knbowingly insulted your work; I have told you when "improving" something rendered it less useful — and have said where the problems were. And you have always corrected them promptly. But you miust by now realize that even when it is your hard work it is likely to have some problems. Don't shit on the messenger.
F> You set up the quotation convention? Shame on you.

Robin Lee Powell <> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 01:56:49PM -0700, John E Clifford wrote:
> Well, I only know what it looks like to me, namely with quoted
> material marked off with a solid line along the side.

A>I have no idea what that means. Perhaps you'd like to start by telling
me what mail program you're using to read these mails?

B>You *are* reading them as mails, right?

> The flaw in this is that it does not allow me to make comments
> directly attached to the quoted passage being commented upon,

C>Why don't you just insert your comments by adding lines in the middle,
like everybody else dose?

> hence the top comments. I can move them to the bottom if you would
> like that better.

Good god no.

> As for the barbarous quoting technique that somehow ages ago became
> the norm and has not changed with the times, I am not strongly
> inclined to convert to it, especially since the only person who
> regularly reads what I write has never complained about it.

If you mean xorxes, trust me, it annoys him too.

> Perhaps you all would consider getting your defective systems upgraded
> to something more 21st century.

D>I've already warned you about this, at least half a dozen times. I use,
run, and operate computers for my livelyhood. You are the only person
who makes insulting comments about the systems I run and the programs I
use. If you like, I will *happily* save you from having to not deal
with my "defective" systems, by globally blocking you from using resources.

E>Stop insulting my hard work. Tell me *exactly* what you are having
problems with, in private e-mail, with clearly stated issues,
preferrably including screenshots.

You cannot *imagine* the work I put into, and you are the
only person who consistently complains, no matter what I do, and yet I
still *TRY* to help you, and I *try* to understand what your issues are.

F>If you insult my systems again, I will cease communicating with you, even
by proxy, and this time it will be permanent.


> Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 01:36:12PM -0700, John E Clifford wrote:
> > What exactly is the problem (i.e., what is "improper")?.
> You top post.
> You don't quote properly (using >).
> > My stuff comes to me looking much better than the people who have so
> > many tiers of indents and arrows that it is virtually impossible to
> > figure who said what.
> Then your mail program is *BROKEN*, and you should fix it.
> > Y'all didn't like my old stuff with continental quotes; what do you
> > want?
> We want you to do with the rest of us are doing, because your crap is
> impossible for the rest of us to read.
> How many times do we have to tell you this?
> -Robin

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