Rock music

norma'urmerkai zgike, or 'semiadultamerican kind of music'

Poster boy for fu'ivla, if ever I've heard one. Besides, how does this exclude Britney Spears? zgiknroko (example in Lessons.)

I prefer zgiknroku . mi'e xorxes

zgiknroko if you repeat last vowel, zgiknroke if you insert last vowel of gismu classifier. Otherwise, completely a matter of taste.

Yes, I meant zgiknroke. Why do you keep adding an extra 'r'? [Ed. Was 'zgikrnroko']

'Cause I've internalised the wrong algorithm... Sorry. Am now fixing the lessons, too...-- mi'e nitcion.

For actual lojban rock music, see Lojban Rock Lyrics

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday 22 of September, 2003 19:52:34 GMT by admin.