BPFK Section: Aspect

posts: 2388

Given the ambiguity of aspect markers even at home, it is not clear that regularity (even if the amount enjoyed at home) is possible. But, when the sumti being cheated is an event we can at least pick between two stories and stick with the choice everywhere: 1) the main sentence event is coordinated with the indicated aspect of the subordinated event or 2) the subordinated event is coordinated with the indicated aspect of the main event. the one follows regular tenses, the other regular aspects. I think the first makes more sense (is easier to figure out, is more useful — none of which I can prove). When we move — as we will — beyond event sumti, I suppose we should stick with our decision, but it is often unclear what that would mean. What for example, does the — to me obvious — choice of taking the superfective of a place to mark the place overshot rather than the place actually reached in describing a trip?
Jorge LlambĂ­as <jjllambias2000@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

> I'd like to see some definition of how these cmavo work as sumtcita. — mi'e
> bancus

Is the old Twiki BPFK area no longer reachable? I was going
to direct you there for some initial thoughts on the matter but
I couldn't get in. There was a lot of work done there, we don't
want to lose it!

Anyway, I'm not quite sure how to approach this yet. I was
planning to add examples of use under each word, including
their use as sumtcita. But there are some issues to settle first.
Should the definition be idiosyncratic for each cmavo?
Should the whole selmaho follow the same pattern?
Should there be one coherent picture for all tags?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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