The official baselined list of gismu. This is not just an abstract list; it is an actual document, available at


This should probably be gimste, shouldn't it? At least, jvocu'adju (from the jbofi'e distribution) says that gimste has a better score (5878) than gi'uste (6367). --pne

The scoring algorithm was based on somebody's aesthetic preferences (don't remember who) - which are, surprisingly, not universal. If you want to call it a gimste, go right ahead. But others are welcome to call it a gi'uste if they want to, and still others will say gismu liste. FWIW, I prefer gi'uste. But that is definitely influenced by the fact that I saw that form first, and also because it's "closer" in form to ma'oste. --pne

  • .e'unai .i la'e zo gi'uste cu cmima jena dunli ro loi smuni be lu gismu liste li'u

I use gimste. According to the Book, alternate rafsi choices in a lujvo give "the same" lujvo (chapter 4 section 5), so it's a matter of preference. Chapter 4 section 12 says the lujvo-scoring algorithm "may change in the future," and "the lowest-scoring variant will usually [that is, not always] be the dictionary form of the lujvo." There's definitely room for confusion if people rely on paper dictionaries, but electronic lookup should have no trouble with any form of a lujvo. mi'e jezrax