BPFK Section: Nonce Connectives as of 11 Feb 2005

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of ba'e

ba'e (BAhE)
Emphasize next word. The forethought emphasis indicator. Indicates that next word is especially emphasized or emphatic. For grammatical purposes, "ba'e" marks the following word but does not change its nature, and does not bind with it or form a single unified construct in any way. See also za'e, .ui.
    • Keywords: Emphasize next word, emphasize next.

Examples of ba'e Usage

le lisri cu ba'e pu zdile
The story WAS amusing.

.oisai mi bilga le nu ba'e ca cliva
Dammit, I need to leave NOW.

The following examples are intended to illustrate interactions of ba'e with other words of special grammatical effect, and hence may be pathological.

mi cusku ba'e si la'e di'u
I said emphasis, no, the referent of the previous thing I said.

ko pensi me'o depsna bu .e me'o ba'e bu
Think about "hesitation sound", and the emphasis letter.

lo nu ciksi lo ba'e zei se zei cinmo cu nandu
''Explaning the emphasis-emotion is difficult.

Proposed Definition of za'e

za'e (BAhE)
Nonce word follows. Forethought nonce-word indicator. Indicates that the next word is a nonce creation or is nonstandard in some way. For grammatical purposes, "za'e" binds with and marks the following word but does not change its nature. The construct behaves just as the marked word by itself. The two words are considered distinct for "sa" matching purposes, however. In the case of an apparent conflict, the effects of this word (and all other words that change the grammatical effects of nearby words) should be read left to right. See also ba'e, sa.
    • Keywords: Nonce-word next, nonce word follows.

Examples of za'e Usage

doi grizis mi tcidu za'e la ralcku
Grizis, I read what I'll call "The Book".

See also the examples for ba'e, which is grammatically identical to za'e.

Proposed Definition of zei

zei (ZEI)
lujvo glue. Connects words into a lujvo. Joins preceding and following words into a lujvo. For grammatical purposes, "zei" binds with the preceding word and the following word. The combination is considered a single brivla (i.e. it is treated as just one word). In the case of an apparent conflict, the effects of this word (and all other words that change the grammatical effects of nearby words) should be read left to right. See also lujvo.
    • Keywords: lujvo glue.

Examples of zei Usage

pe'u ro do ko friti le se .uu zei cinmo
Please, all of you offer your sympathies.
Literally, "pity type of feeling".

mi lojban zei ciska
I'm Lojbanically writing.
Literally, "Lojban type of writer".

The following examples are intended to illustrate interactions of zei with other words of special grammatical effect, and hence may be pathological.

lu da zei fa'o li'u cu mutce cizra lujvo
"da type-of fa'o" is a very strange lujvo.

mi ciska me'o .ui zei nai bu
I wrote a frowny face.
Literally "happy type-of not letter".

lu zo bu zei sa si zo bu zei su li'u cu mupli
"bu type-of sa", I mean, "bu type-of su" is an example.

Proposed Definition of xi

xi (XI)
Subscript. Subscript indicator. Attaches the following number or letteral string as a subscript. Can be used almost anywhere, but is mostly used on sumti and in mathematical expressions.
    • Keywords: subscript, subscript indicator.

Examples of xi Usage

li xy. xi ci du li xy. xi pa su'i xy. xi re
x sub three = x sub one plus x sub two

la'e di'u xi re cu xamgu se morji mi
The thing you mentioned two utterances ago is well remembered by me.


  • A usage convention for superscript would be *lovely*, but no ideas are coming to mind.

  • Despite xi causing bizarre interactions in mekso, I honestly can't think of anything interesting to say about it.


  • ba'e should be basically unchanged, except for clarification.

  • zei structures are now a single word for purposes of following magic words.

  • IMO, this is well worth having a defined precedence in all cases.

Proposed New cmavo

  • Another member of ZEI with reverse-order modified-modifier semantics.
    • The shepherd doesn't consider this terribly important, but it certainly would help match the rest of the language, which is very configurable.
    • "broda zei co zei brode" has been suggested for this usage. Should I write that up as a usage convention?

Created by rlpowell. Last Modification: Friday 11 of February, 2005 19:46:59 GMT by rlpowell.