

BPFK Section: Quotations

posts: 14214

On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 12:07:33AM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
> Robin Lee Powell scripsit:
> > My parser actually has no problems with this, and I'm pretty
> > sure that's a bug. If zoi quotes work in lo'u...le'u, then your
> > example is no problem, because it's just nesting.
> zoi-quotes are meant to work within lo'u..le'u,

Can you give any validation for this, besides your memories of the
intent of the Founders? Not that that's not sufficient, but I'm
curious. It seems to violate the purpose of lo'u...le'u *entirely*,
and disagree with the Red Book.

> but if the user is trying to quote something with zoi le'u...le'u,
> then he deserves to lose.

As I said, nesting should handle it.


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