


posts: 14214

Every time I go through a section, I translate all the Lojban independently of the English, to check for errors. Just for giggles, here's what I got this time. These are (deliberately) very literalistic.

ei lo verba cu mutce fraxu lo makcu prenu

Obligation: Children should muchly forgive mature persons/non-children.

ku'i uinai mi na viska lo lanme pa'o lo tanxe
i ju'ocu'i mi milxe simsa lo makcu prenu

However, sadly, I don't see sheep passing through boxes. Maybe I am
mildly similar to mature persons.

ca lo nicte lo cinfo cu kalte lo cidja

During night-time, lions hunt food.

lo pa pixra cu se vamji lo ki'o valsi

A one-some of pictures (i.e. any single picture) has value a
thousand-some (i.e. any thousand) words.

de'i li 1960 lo pare sovda cu fepni li 42

In 1960, 12 eggs were measured in cents numbering 42.

lo ctuca cu fendi lo selctu mu lo vo tadni

Teachers (un-numbered, could be one) divide those taught into five
foursomes of students.

lo bidjylinsi pe lo ze seldri cu se pagbu
ze lo ze bidju e ji'a ci lo pa bidju e lo kucysni

Necklaces of seven-somes of things causing sadness have parts: seven
seven-somes of been and also three one-somes of beeds and crosses
(un-numbered, could be one).

o'i mu (lo) xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi

Beware: five hungry Soviet cows are in the garden.

lo sanli darxi bo dakli cu culno lo djacu onai lo canre to lo djacu
cu pukmau ki'u lo nu slilu tolcando toi gi'e bunda li ji'i 270

Standing hit-sacks are full of water XOR sand (water is more pleasant
because of the event of oscillating non-idleness (motion) ) and weigh
about 270 pounds.

lo pavyseljirna cu ranmi danlu gi'e catlu lo ka ge ce'u xirma
gi lo jirna cu cpana lo sedycra be ce'u

Unicorns are mythical animals and examine se catlu meant? the property
of both it's a horse and horns (un-numbered, could be one) are upon the
front-head I suggest mebri of it.

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le palta ba'o porpi i ma gasnu i xu le gerku cu go'i

The plate has been broken. Who did? Is it true that the dog did?

ko punji le sicni lo porsi be lo vamrai bi'o lo vamtolrai

Put the coin in the sequence ordered from most expensive to least

ci le bi ctuca cu ninmu

Three of the eight teachers are women.

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ma'i la midju terdi la sadam na sai me la sauron

In the reference frame of Middle Earth, Saddam is very much not Sauron.

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ma cnano lo ka makau junta ce'u kei lo'i cifnu poi ca jbena

What is normal in what weight it is of the set of babies now born?

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ro le verba pu cuxna pa karda le'i cnita selcra

All of the children chose one card from this set of face-down.

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doi turni do so'i da na fadni la'i kenedis ma'i lo jecra'a

Oh ruler, you are in many ways not ordinary among the set of things
named "kenedis" in reference to polity-relevant-things.

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loi litru ti jmaji lo ro pagbu be le terdi

A mass of travellers here gathers from every part of the earth.

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lei brazo cu jinga fi lei dotco la kabri

The mass of Brazillian things won agains the mass of German things in a
competition called Cup.

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ta melbi pixra lai simpson

That is a beautiful picture of the mass of things named Simpson.

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lo'e glipre cu xabju le fi'ortu'a na.e le gligugde

The typical Englishman dwells in African, *not*, and in England.

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le'e xelso merko cu gusta ponse

Stereotypical Greek Americans are restaurant type-of owners.

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le nanmu cu se snuti ija'ebo lo tu'o gerku cu kuspe le klaji

The man did something accidental and therefore a mass of doggy bits
spanned the road.

bilga lenu jdice lenu roroi pilno lo mokla tirxe
(to zoigy. velar gy. toi) jonai crane (to zoigy.
alveolar gy. toi)

It is obliged that it is decided that every time using mouth behind-
("Velar") -XOR-front ("alveolar")

le cmana lo cidja ba claxu

The mountain, food will be without.
Yoda I am, hmm, yeees!

le dargu pe lo xamgu bangu cu kargu
The road of good languages is costly.

la jyryr. tolkien. cu te cukta la djine turni (to la'o
gy Lord of the Rings gy toi) .e le so'omoi be lo
xanri munje lisri ca le lampru na'acto

JRR Tolkien wrote Ring Lord ("Lord Of The Rings") and the several-th of
imaginary-universe storiies during the previous century.