BPFK Section: Place Structure cmavo

Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: fa (FA)

Proposed Definition

1st sumti place — sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place

See Also

  • jai

Proposed Keywords

  • 1st sumti place

Usage Examples

i crane abu fa lo drata ke clani vorme
before A there was a different long door


See the notes section at the bottom of this document.

cmavo: fe (FA)

Proposed Definition

2nd sumti place — sumti place tag: tag 2nd sumti place

See Also

  • se

Proposed Keywords

  • 2nd sumti place

Usage Examples

la uorygl cpacu lo rundegji pe lo fonxa gi'e pencu fi lo rundegji fe la .aipad.
woggle gets a phone stylus and touches Ipod with the stylus.


See the notes section at the bottom of this document.

cmavo: fi (FA)

Proposed Definition

3rd sumti place — sumti place tag: tag 3rd sumti place

See Also

  • te

Proposed Keywords

  • 3rd sumti place

Usage Examples

mi klama fi lo ckule
I come from school.


See the notes section at the bottom of this document.

cmavo: fo (FA)

Proposed Definition

4th sumti place — sumti place tag: tag 4th sumti place

See Also

  • ve

Proposed Keywords

  • 4th sumti place

Usage Examples

mi nitcu lonu tavla fo la lojban
I need to talk Lojban!


See the notes section at the bottom of this document.

cmavo: fu (FA)

Proposed Definition

5th sumti place — sumti place tag: tag 5th sumti place

See Also

  • xe

Proposed Keywords

  • 5th sumti place

Usage Examples

benji fu lo karce
Delivery by car.


See the notes section at the bottom of this document.

cmavo: fai (FA)

Proposed Definition

extra sumti place — tag a sumti switched from x1 by jai.

See Also

  • jai
  • fa

Proposed Keywords

extra sumti place

Usage Examples

ma jai ta'i jukpa fai mi .ei
By what method should I cook?


  • The CLL does not mention, how fai behaves in a sentence without a jai conversion.
  • The gismu list doesn't contain an entry for fai, but it should, with rafsi "fax".

cmavo: jai (JAI)

Proposed Definition

modal conversion. convert tense/modal (tagged) place to 1st place.

See Also

  • fai
  • se

Proposed Keywords

  • modal conversion

Usage Examples

lo jai gau fagri
The firestarter.
.i mi gleki lo nu la seryf. ba jai gau jufra ti'e
I'm happy seryf's going to do a sentence (i hear).
pe'i denpa bu na'e sidju gi'e jai cfipu po'o
The dot doesn't help, but only confuse.


  • The original 1st place moves to the jai place.
  • By not putting a modal after jai, an abstraction is put into the fai place and the x1 spot becomes a sumti "raised" from that abstraction (thus letting you put any sumti where the place structure requires an abstraction).


  • CLL claims that -jax- is a rafsi for jai, but none of the wordlists include it.

cmavo: fi'a (FA)

Proposed Definition

sumti place question. ask what place the sumti goes into.

See Also

  • fa

Proposed Keywords

  • sumti place question

Usage Examples

i doi timos do zmanei fi'a lo'u ko jimpe le'u fi'a lo'u jimpe fa ko le'u vau pei
Hey timo, do you prefer "you, understand!" or "understand, you!"? How do you feel about that?


  • fi'a will not influence counting like fa, fe, fi, fo or fu.

cmavo: se (SE)

Proposed Definition

2nd conversion — 2nd conversion; switch 1st/2nd places --

See Also

  • fe

Proposed Keywords

2nd conversion

Usage Examples

i caku mi se tolplo tai tu'a lo'e brarai darvistci
now i'm extended like the longest telescope
.i fukpi lo remna lo se kelci
It's a copy of a human as a toy.
mi sipna djica seki'u lo nu klama lo zdani
I want to sleep, so I'm going home.
mi se melbi do se .u lo mensi be do
You're pretty--well, maybe not you, but your sister is.

cmavo: te (SE)

Proposed Definition

3rd conversion — 3rd conversion; switch 1st/3rd places --

See Also

  • fi

Proposed Keywords

3rd conversion

Usage Examples

di'a jundi te zu'e lo nu citka .i co'o
I'll be right back, I'm going to eat. bye!
lo te salci be lo nu prami cu pluka lo na prami na .e nai lo na se prami
Valentine's day is unpleasant to neither those who don't love nor those who aren't loved.

cmavo: ve (SE)

Proposed Definition

4th conversion — 4th conversion; switch 1st/4th places --

See Also

  • fo

Proposed Keywords

4th conversion

Usage Examples

ca tadni lo cmaci be lo ve mipri
studying cryptography.

cmavo: xe (SE)

Proposed Definition

5th conversion — 5th conversion; switch 1st/5th places --

See Also

  • fu

Proposed Keywords

5th conversion

Usage Examples

.i ma jbobau xe fanva zoi .gy. ecstasy .gy.
What's the lojbanic translation of "ecstasy"?

General Section Notes

On fa, fe, fi, fo and fu

In combination with xi

Tagging one of fa, fe, fi, fo or fu with xi and a number turns the FA into "tag the nth sumti place".

Resume counting, skipping places

  • Normally, sumti places start with either 1, or 2 (if the first sumti comes after the selbri) and after each sumti, the next place is filled. If the number of places of the selbri is reached, all the next places have an implicit do'e tag. danr: this do'e part is not in the CLL, is it?
  • danr: Where does the apple end up in {mi fi do dunda lo plise}?
  • When a sumti place is already filled (for instance, if a FA was used to jump back), that place is 'skipped'
  • fai will not affect the numbering of places around it.
  • Places continue from where the tag left off (i.e. fu ko'a ko'e - fills x5 and x6 respectively).

Using a place multiple times

  • Assigning two sumti to the same place directly is like connecting the two sumti with 'e' and putting the result in that place.
    • I thought it was {ju'e}, not {.e}? --aionys


  • da citka de di ~= fa da cikta fe de do'e di (count from one, cikta only has x1 and x2)
  • klama de ~= klama fe de (count from two, as the first sumti comes after the selbri)
  • klama de fa da di ~= klama fe de fa da fi di (do not "overwrite" the second place. skip to the third instead)
  • mi klama fa do ~= fa mi e do klama (assigning two sumti to the same place connects them together)
  • mi klama fa xi mu da ~= mi klama fu da (using xi to turn fa into "tag 5th sumti" (which is the same as fu))
  • mi klama fu lo karce da ~= mi klama fu lo karce do'e da


Created by rlpowell. Last Modification: Tuesday 10 of June, 2014 05:18:07 GMT by danr.