cmavo: .i'a nai (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express refusal / rejection / eschewal / resistance / dissatisfaction / blame / incrimination / inculpation
See Also
- {tolselmansa}
- {fi'i nai}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .i'a nai ta mi za'o na mansa
- No, that still doesn't satisfy me.
cmavo: .i'e cu'i (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express neither approval nor disapproval / impartiality / neutrality / nonpartisanship / objectivity.
See Also
- {nutli}
- {norzau}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .i'e cu'i lo cmaci ka'e cfipu lo co'a ve ckule
- Speaking objectively, math can be confusing for 1st graders.
cmavo: .i'i (UI1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express togetherness / unanimity / communion / unity / comradeship / camaraderie / conviviality / gregariousness / sociability
See Also
- {gunma}
- {kansa}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .i'i mi ba jinga
- Yay! We're gonna win!
- .i'i mi mi'ecpe lo se pleji nu zenba
- We demand a raise!
cmavo: .i'u (UI1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express familiarity / acquaintanceship / recognition / conversance / grasp / ken / knowledge.
See Also
- {selsau
- {nalselni'o}
- {kufra}
- {djuno}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .i'u mi ta xabju ze'a lo nanca be li so'i
- Yes, I lived there for many years.
cmavo: io (UI1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express respect / regard / courtesy / consideration / deference / homage / kudos / recognition / obeisance / obligingness / veneration / reverence / civility / urbanity / gallantry / politeness / friendliness / affability / corteousness / cordiality / complaisance / solicitude.
See Also
- {sinma}
- {clite}
- {ga'i nai}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- io ko mi jersi doi nolnau
- This way, Sir, if you please.
cmavo: io nai (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express disrespect / contempt / discourtesy / scorn / impertinence / insolence / impoliteness / irreverence / derision / disparagement / disdain.
See Also
- {tolsi'a}
- {ga'i}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- io nai ko ti klama doi bebna
- Get your ass over here, you idiot!
cmavo: .o'a (UI1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express pride / dignity / self-confidence / smugness / bravado / grandiloquence / pomposity / cockiness / conceit / arrogance.
See Also
- {jgira}
- {ga'i}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .o'a ju'i mamta mi kakne lo nu tcidu
- Look Mummy, I can read!
cmavo: .o'a cu'i (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express modesty / humility / humbleness / discreetness / meekness / unpretentiousness / reserve
See Also
- {cumla}
- {ga'i nai}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .o'a cu'i ba'e mi lumci pi su'o po'o le loldi
- Oh, *I* mopped only some part of the floor.
cmavo: .o'o nai (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express anger / annoyance / exasperation / fury / rage / impatience / indignation / irascibility / irritation / outrage / vexation / wrath / ire / intolerance.
See Also
- {fengu}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .o'o nai lo xanto cu fanta lo nu mi pagre
- Damn, the elephants are blocking my way!
cmavo: .u'e (UI1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express wonder / admiration / amazement / awe / marvel / astoundment
See Also
- {selmanci}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .u'e ze prenu cu zvati
- Wow, there are seven people here!
- .u'e le va gerku cu mutce stati
- Wow, that dog is really talented!
cmavo: .u'u nai (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express lack of regret / remorselessness / defiance / spite / provocation / unrepentance
See Also
- {talsa}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- .u'u nai mi pu zi stapa le do jamfu i do ba zukte ma
- Yeah, I just stepped on your foot. What are you going to do about it?
cmavo: uu nai (UI*1)
Proposed Definition
Attitudinal. Used to express cruelty / callousness / hardheartedness / insensibility / insensitiveness / mercilessness / ruthlessness / unkindness / malice / evilness / wickedness
See Also
- {kusru}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- uu nai mi ba ponse lo do pruxi
- Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine!
Associated predicates
ja'ai | cu'i | nai | |
.a'a | jundi | nalju'i | rivbi |
.a'e | cikna | tatpi | |
.a'i | troci | selfrili | cando |
.a'u | selci'i | nalselci'i | selrigni |
.i'a | selmansa | tolselmansa | |
.i'e | zanru | nutli | tolzau |
.i'i | gunma | selsivni | |
.i'o | ckire | jilra | |
.i'u | selsau | termipri | |
.ii | terpa | snura | |
.io | sinma | tolsi'a | |
.iu | prami | xebni | |
.o'a | jgira | cumla | ckeji |
.o'e | cnijbi | cnida'o | |
.o'i | seljde | darsi | |
.o'o | xendo | racli | fengu |
.o'u | surla | cnilanxe | dunku |
.oi | pante | selpu'a | |
.u'a | jinga | cirko | |
.u'e | selmanci | tolselmanci | |
.u'i | selzdi | tolselzdi | |
.u'o | virnu | jikterpa | tolvri |
.u'u | xenru | nalselra'u | talsa |
.ua | facki | selfi'u | |
.ue | selspaji | norselspaji | tolselspaji |
.ui | gleki | badri | |
.uo | snada | fliba | |
.uu | kecti | kusru |
- iu cu'i was removed from the list because the keyword "no love lost" was too confusing, its meaning is fairly obvious anyway, and no usage was found.
- .u'u cu'i and .u'u nai were interchanged.
Section Issues
- The realis/irrealis distinction has been rather hotly debated over the years. It is my ( Lindar ) opinion that the reality/irreality of the UI is dependent upon the reality/irreality of the jufra, and can be indicated with da'i/da'inai or some other kind of marker. This way ni'o .a'o mi klama can mean I hope I go. in one instance and I'm going, about which I feel hopeful. for another, rather than being restricted to one meaning.