Colossal Cave (or Adventure) was the first text adventure game.
Its text was translated into Lojban by Nick Nicholas in 1991. Robin Lee Powell implemented it in Inform in 2002, thus outputting a z-machine interpretable file. He also touched up the text a bit, as it was written before the Great Rafsi Reallocation of 1993. Its Lojban name is nuntalyli'u. You'll need a Z-Machine interpreter to run it.
- The compiled version of the Lojban Colossal Cave Adventure
- The source version of the Lojban Colossal Cave Adventure
- Inform Localization Files for Lojban
- Basic nuntalylihu Instructions
See also: nuntalyli'u mini-dictionary.
These have mostly historical interest, I suppose:
- Nick Nicholas' original Colossal Cave game translation
- The new colossal caves text, with new rafsi and errors corrected
- Possibly bad lujvo in new_colossal_cave.txt. Most of the rafsi conversion was done programmatically by Jay Kominek. The by-hand work was done by Eugene Mayes. badlujvo.txt is the list of lujvo that Eugene had to go through by hand. Any errors found should be reported to Robin Lee Powell.
- Format of the old group translation file.
- Old group translation of the Colossal Caves text.