Esperanto and Hebrew

  • Did you know that Esperanto, from its structure, is very Hebrew-inspired? — .aulun.
  • In what way other than the lack of an indefinite article?
  • Er, aulun, I'm sorry, but inasmuch as I know a lot about the history of Esperanto, I find that claim untenable. A smidgeon of Yiddish in edzo (Litvak Yiddish version of Princessin), and that's it for overt influences by Jewish languages. — nitcion.
    • Oh, nitcion, as for me, I don't know a lot about Esperanto (and never had been too interested in, although my late cousin spoke it in the early 50ies). What I wanted to express is also to be found in an article I read a couple of years ago - and happily retrieved through an extensive net search ;-). Here is the URL: — .aulun.
      • I read to the part about Esperanto, but it is nothing but propaganda. If it claims that 'all linguists recognize' esperanto as 'the easiest language to learn' (at which point I burst out laughing, having myself once given it a try before I saw through its claims to logical structure (repeated in the article, BTW) and given up on the language as being too similar to natuaral languages to get anywhere they haven't, but I never got as far as I even got with Quechua - which I studied for about the same amount of time; this is part of why I like Lojban but still dislike the claims to total unambiguity that I see now and again), then there is no way I will believe its other claims about the language. Plus it puts forth the idea that Hebrew is the mother tongue of all the world - rather silly, IMHO. The article is full of kalci. - mi'e. kreig.daniyl.
        • Please, read carefully and think of Frederic II - and do not provoke anyone to use zo selkalci noi ji'a nalclite zo'o - and better try to teach us some of your "easy" Ketchua (which I had the opportunity to listen to for a whole day in my courtroom).
          • The article confuses the wierd things Semitic vowels do with what simply happens in agglutinative languages. I still giggled when it got to the propaganda bits, but I did contain myself (I'm in class right now and didn't want to disturb the maybe two people who are actually being productive zo'o). I know nothing about Frederic the second, but I do know that its monogenesis idea assumes very little linguistic change, if it is still to be almost like modern Hebrew though more compact, yet at the same time the ancestor of PIE, which sounds nothing like any of its offspring. Does the author really want to throw out all of historical linguistics? I accept the idea of proto-world, but I don't believe it would look exactly like Hebrew.
          • Quechua is a completely regular agglutinative language, similar to Esperanto, but it has actual phonology. It doesn't rely on claims of natural euphony, because every Quechua word fits a definable and pronounceable phonology (try saying esperanto "postscio" sometime). Its grammar is just alien enough that you won't find anyone competent saying 'Just memorize these sixteen rules, the rest is just like your native language' - the sixteen rules actually hindered my progress in esperanto; I could probably learn it okay if I could find a way to do so without reference to those sixteen rules. Since its cases are not identical to european languages, it is possible to find learning materials that do not expect you to know all the case names already, which I don't. Conclusion: Quechua is about equal to esperanto in trying to learn it, but it is easier to find someone who will do a good job teaching it. - mi'e. kreig.daniyl.
        • zo'o ki'u lekape'a ledoka pilno be zoily. kalci .ly malylojbo .inajanai le se cusku cu tisna lo kalci
          • I used it because it is more polite than the English word. I would never use it in such a malglico way in Lojban.
    • .i lenu pilno loi rafsi lenu zbasu loi cnino valsi kei kei; noi le te prosa cu basna; na steci le bangrxivriti .i frili sucta tu'a lei ropno bangu gi'e se ckaji ji'a le bangrvolapiki .i lei la bangrnesperanto ku rafsi cu se jbera le latmo .e le xelso .e le latmyseldze .i la zamenxof cu se cinri tu'a le bangrxiidici gi'e finti lo gerna be le stuna bangrxiidici pu lenu finti le bangrnesperanto .i ku'i ganai loi xebro bangu cu xlura lenu [favrygau] farvygau la esperanton.; gi lenu xlura cu traji sucta — mi'e nitcion. (.i ta'a lenu mi'a casnu la zamenxof cu xamgu .i ku'i lenu casnu ri bau la lojban kei mu'i lenu na steci srana la lojban. cu sarcu)
    • .i cumki .iku'i cajebaku ma'a na djice (to ni'o stidi lenu pilno zo farvygau .i ni'o ki'a zo mi' 'a' .ue toi) — mu'o .aulun.
    • .i mi pu pilno zo mi'a mu'i lenu mi na steci tavla do zo'o
    • .i je'e zo'o ni'o (.i lenu pilno loi rafsi lenu zbasu loi cnino valsi kei kei...) .i ta'onai le go'i na se basna le teryro'a .i ku'i ca'a se ckaji falo'e gismu sa'unai (to le genja belo valsi toi) .enai lo'e rafsi .i ta'o paunai tu'a le selro'a cu mutce cinri xu — mi'e .aulun.

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