Give the text and its current translation, a comment, a sugestion for correction, and mark it once it has been corrected.
Text | Translation | Comment | Suggestion | Corrected |
I'm on a mission in another city'' | mi ca jdali'u le drata tcadu | "Mission" is polysemous. Is it a religious mission, a diplomatic mission, or what? Another city than what? Apparently than the one your wife is in, but is she also on a mission? | mi ca tibli'u le drata tcadu ; drata x2 is not necessary here because it is not explicitly said in the English sentence. | go'i |
B: Short hair is very exciting. | lo tordu kerfa cu mutce loka se nelci | I'm not sure how to render 'exciting'. Wasn't there a word for sexual attraction? | Should be 'is superlative in the property of sexual attractiveness' (lo tordu kerfa cu traji loni trina : I suggest trina traji for 'exciting' as extreme attractiveness; sexuality is not explicitly said in the English sentence.) | go'i |
B: Didn't you see it before? | .i xu do na pu'o viska | The translation seems to be incorrect. "pu'o" makes the lojban sentence strange. | "pu" or "puku" instead of "pu'o". | go'i |
First Jack, then Judith in March, now Kate... | .i la djek. pamoiroi go'i .i babo la djudyt. ca lo cibma'i .i caku la keit | "pamoiroi" doesn't seems to be the right word. | "pamoi" instead of"pamoiroi". | go'i |
B: I? No! | xu mi .i na djuno | In this situation the speaker must not be really asking about the truth, but must just be confused. | mi ki'a .i na djuno | go'i |
B: No! Why do you think I know? | .ienai na go'i .i do pensi lonu go'e kei mu'i ma | The explanation reads: "Double negation. With the second {na} we restore the original affirmation by negating it twice." The explanation does't seem right. It is not double negation. It is single negation. | Remove the explanation. | go'i |
A: You do. | jo'a do djuno | zo jo'a tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri je'a drani .i ku'i .abu cusku le du'u le se cusku be by cu na'e drani | na'i do ja'a djuno | go'i |