Section 1.1
- la nicte cadzu ba mulno spogau lo se terpa da poi fanva dei lo na logji bangu
- NightWalker will fully destroy the feared thing with a translator of this utterance into a non-logical language?
- the place structure of spogau is "g1 destroys, using/through event d1, object/person d2" so it's "NightWalker will gully destroy with fierce things them, who translate this (the story) into a not logical language"
- NightWalker will fully destroy the feared thing with a translator of this utterance into a non-logical language?
- i ku'i mutce lerci .i se ki'u bo ti'a le xance sy klama lo manku
- However, it was very late; this was a reason for (behind her hand) Susan going into the darkness. — What the heck does ti'a le xance mean there?
- imagine walking into a pitch black room. do you stick your hands into your pockets or rather hold your hands in front of you so you don't run into things?
- However, it was very late; this was a reason for (behind her hand) Susan going into the darkness. — What the heck does ti'a le xance mean there?
- i se mu'i bo sy lacpu le zdani claxu
- Did you forget remna there?
- i sy boi za'u roi bajra gi'e klaku fi (tu'a) ry
- I think you need a tu'a at the end.
- .i ba zi bo sy facki lo du'u lo bitmu cufanmo le dargu
- (in first sentence) /cufanmo/cu fanmo/ adding a space after %22cu%22
- .i sy cu djica lo nu cliva vau mu'i lo nu lerci
- (in last sentence) /sy cu djica/sy djica/ removing superfluous (I think) %22cu%22
- "masytcusets" is not a valid cmene with the proposed morphology. xorxes said it'll probably become more lenient in the future, though.
Section 1.2
- ni'o ta'o lo ve xumjimcelxa'i ca'o gusni ne'i lo grusi recta be le crida ca lo nu re tu'urbirka cu jibni binxo
- s/recta/rectu/
- .i .ui ny jgari ze'o lo barda kosta lo sinxa fagri grana gi'e renro ri le moklu be le crida
- If I understand you right, I think you need ze'omo'i.
- .i do ba djica lo nu tavla da
- What is da here? The card? The only reasonable meaning to me would involve mi, not da. Or maybe you meant fi da.
- possibly he means LNC with da. or the phone number on the card
- What is da here? The card? The only reasonable meaning to me would involve mi, not da. Or maybe you meant fi da.
- .i ji'a ko na terpa lo mukti be mi
- {lo mukti be tu'a mi} ? Or maybe {be fi mi} (what does the "volitioner" correspond to?}
- {le cfari be le cmalu dargu}
- "x1 state/event/process commences/initiates/starts/begins to occur;" Maybe something like: {krasi} (though nothing moves if the road had not been made in this order), or {terpluta} (though it doesn't imply any road), or {terdargu}, which seems to me to be the best one. ?
- {.i ku'i no drata be mi'a ba krici do}
- Either {tu'a do}, or {fi do}, or it is another definition you don't like?
- {lo ti kanla zo'u vi'a xekri}
- "plain black"? If I didn't know this in English, it wouldn't make any sense to me. How?
- {carna le gusta po lo nu penmi}
- {carna fi le gusta}
- {le nanmu to lo voksa cu ju'o mapti lo nanmu toi cusku lo glico panra be } etc etc
- Should be "cu cusku"
Section 1.3
- .i sy pe'isku lo glico panra xe lu li'a lo nu damba lo crida cu jibri la deivid to'i cmalu nu denpa toi
- What the heck is that xe doing there?
- probably should have been be
- What the heck is that xe doing there?
- {.i ca lo nu sy xruti lo zdani vau}
- The gismu list says {se'ixru} replaces {xruti} here well.
- {.i sy frili morji lo tcila be le nu gunta be'o gi'e pe'isku lo glico panra}
- A redunant apostrophe in "peisku".
- {nibli lo nu mi mulno lo ka fenki}
- I guess, {jai} is needed somewhere near {mulno}.
- .i sy pe'isku lo glico panra xe lu
- s/pe'i/pei/;s/xe/be/ Er... Just replace all "pe'isku" to "peisku"? Maybe that's because there's no real "yot" in English?
Section 1.4
- Did you really want pencu at the end of 1.4.1?
- .i ri cilce ganlu simsa
- s/ganlu/ganlo/ in 1.4.2
- .i ku'i .e'u nai sai lo nu do crida kalte binxo cu rinka lo nu do joi pa crida ba se fatri lo ruxse'i be do .e lo menli be do .i la nicte cadzu cu ro roi se sidju lo crida poi jamna lo crida poi simsa le crida poi troci lo nu catra do .i lo nu crida kalte cu na frili li'u
- You need a be'o in there to keep it from being the soul of you and your mind.
- {sy tugni desku lo stedu}
- sy tugni gasnu lenu lo stedu desku ? sy jai tugni se desku lo stedu ?
Section 1.5
- ta'o la'e lu tarci bu li'u cu sinxa lo sinvi selsku ve cu'u la .irk.
- sinvi -> sivni
- mi djisku lu troci lo nu cilre la lojban li'u
- either djisku -> stidi or mi -> do
- xamgu lo nu do na spuda
- i think this needs a fa or se